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Continuing with the tradition of offering the best andmost comprehensive coverage of Red Hat Linux on the market, Red Hat Linux X Unleashed includes new and additional material based on the latest release of Red Hat Linux.
Incorporating a more advanced approach to presenting information about Red Hat Linux, the book aims to provide the best and latest information intermediate to advanced Red Hat users need to know about installation, configuration, system administration, server operations, and security.
All chapter concentrate on Red Hat Linux software packages. There is updated topic coverage in areas such as:
All chapters end with a Reference section.
1. Introducing Red Hat Linux.Inside Red Hat Linux. Red Hat Linux in the Enterprise. Red Hat Linux for Small Business. Getting the Most from Red Hat and Linux Documentation.
2. Preparing to Install Red Hat Linux.Planning Your Red Hat Linux Deployment. Hardware Requirements. Preparing for the Install Process. Partitioning Before and During Installation. Using Red Hat's kickstart Installation Method.
3. Installing Red Hat Linux.Preparing for the Installation. Choosing How to Install Red Hat Linux. Step-by-Step Installation. Login and Shutdown.
4. Post-Installation Configuration.Pointer and Keyboard Configuration. Configuring Display Graphics. Configuring Sound Devices. Detecting and Configuring a Modem. Configuring Power-Management in Red Hat Linux. Resetting the Date and Time. Managing PCMCIA. Configuring and Using CD, DVD, and CDRW Drives. Troubleshooting Post-Installation Configuration Problems.
5. First Steps with Linux.Working with the Red Hat Linux File System. Logging into and Working with Linux. Changing Your User Information. Reading Documentation. Using the Shell. Using the Text Editors. Working with Permissions. Working As root.
6. The X Window System.Basic X Concepts. Using XFree86. Starting X. Selecting and Using X Window Managers. The GNOME and KDE Desktop Environments.
7. Managing Services.Understanding the Red Hat Linux Boot Process. Red Hat Linux Runlevels. Controlling Services at Boot with Administrative Tools. Starting and Stopping Services Manually. Changing Runlevels. Using Service Management to Troubleshoot Problems in Red Hat Linux.
8. Managing Software and System Resources.Using RPM for Software Management. System Monitoring Tools.
9. Managing Users.User Accounts. Managing Groups. Managing Users. Managing Passwords. Granting System Administrator Privileges to Regular Users. The User Login Process. Disk Quotas.
10. Managing the Filesystem.The Red Hat Linux Filesystem Basics. Working with the ext3 Filesystem. Other Filesystems Available to Red Hat Linux. Creating a Filesystem. Mounting Filesystems. Relocating a Filesystem. Logical Volume Management-LVM. Filesystem Manipulation. Disk Tuning. Filesystem Tuning. Managing Files for Character Devices, Block Devices, and Special Devices.
11. Backing Up, Restoring, and Recovery.Choosing a Backup Strategy. Choosing Backup Hardware and Media. Using Backup Software. Copying Files. Undeleting Files. System Rescue.
12. Printing Services.Overview of Red Hat Linux Printing. Configuring and Managing Print Services. Creating and Configuring Local Printers. Creating Network Printers. Console Print Control. Using the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS). Avoiding Printer-Support Problems.
13. Network Connectivity.Networking with TCP/IP. Network Organization. Hardware Devices for Networking. Using Red Hat Linux Network Configuration Tools. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Using the Network File System. Putting Samba to Work. Wireless Networking. Securing Your Network.
14. Managing DNS.An Introduction to DNS. Essential DNS Concepts. Configuring Nameservers with BIND. Providing DNS for a Real Domain. Troubleshooting DNS. Managing DNS Security.
15. Internet Connectivity.Common Configuration Information. Laying the Foundation: The localhost Interface. Configuring Dial-up Internet Access. Configuring Digital Subscriber Line Access. Troubleshooting Connection Problems. Configuring a Dial-in PPP Server.
16. Apache Web Server Management.About the Apache Web Server. Installing the Apache Server. Starting and Stopping Apache. Runtime Server Configuration Settings. File System Authentication and Access Control. Apache Modules. Virtual Hosting. Logging. Dynamic Content. Graphic Interface Configuration of Apache. Other Web Servers for Use with Red Hat Linux.
17. Administering Database Services in Red Hat Linux.A Brief Review of Database Basics. Choosing a Database: MySQL Versus PostgreSQL. Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL. Database Clients.
18. Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service.FTP Servers. Installing FTP Software. The FTP User. Setting Permissions to Secure Your FTP Installation. xinetd Configuration. Configuring the Very Secure FTP Server. Configuring the Wu-FTPd Server. Using Commands in the ftpaccess File to Configure wu-ftpd. Configure FTP Server File-Conversion Actions. Using Commands in the ftphosts File to Allow or Deny FTP Server Connection. Server Administration. Using FTP.
19. Handling Electronic Mail.How Email Is Sent and Received. Basic Sendmail Configuration and Operation. Using Fetchmail to Retrieve Mail. Choosing a Mail Delivery Agent (MDA). Mail Daemons. Choosing a Mail Client (MUA). Attachments-Sending Binary Files As Text.
20. News and Other Collaborative Communication.An Overview of Network News. Configuring a Local News Server. Newsreaders. Collaborating with Twiki. Internet Relay Chat (IRC). IM in Red Hat Linux with KIT and GAIM. Videoconferencing with GnomeMeeting. Mail List Management with Mailman.
21. Introduction to C/C++ Programming Tools.Programming in C with Linux. Elements of the C/C++ Language. Using the C Programming Project Management Tools Provided with Red Hat Linux. Using the GNU C Compiler. A Simple C Program. Graphical Development Tools. Additional Resources.
22. Shell Scripting.The Shells Included with This Book. The Shell Command Line. The Basics of Writing, Creating, and Executing a Shell Script. Creating and Executing a Simple Shell Program with bash. Using Variables in Shell Scripts. Positional Parameters. Built-in Variables. Special Characters. Comparison of Expressions. Iteration Statements. Conditional Statements. The break and exit Statements. Using Functions in Shell Scripts.
23. Using Perl.Using Perl with Red Hat Linux. Perl Variables and Data Structures. Operators. Conditional Statements: if/else and unless. Looping. Regular Expressions. Access to the Shell. Switches. Modules and CPAN. Code Examples.
24. Kernel and Module Management.The Linux Kernel. Managing Modules. When to Recompile. Kernel Versions. Obtaining the Kernel Sources. Patching the Kernel. Compiling the Kernel. When Something Goes Wrong. Kernel Tuning with sysctl.
25. Office Productivity Applications.Office Suites for Red Hat Linux. PDA Connectivity. Scanner Applications for Red Hat Linux. Web Design Tools. Fax Client Software. Other Office and Productivity Tools Included with Red Hat Linux. Productivity Applications Written for Microsoft Windows.
26. Multimedia Applications.Burning CDs in Red Hat Linux. Sound and Music. Viewing TV and Video. Using Still Cameras with Red Hat Linux. Using Scanners in Red Hat Linux. Graphics Manipulation. Linux Gaming.
27. Using Emulators and Other Cross-Platform Tools in Red Hat Linux.An Overview of Emulators Available for Red Hat Linux. Using the Bochs Emulator and FreeDOS Utilities. Using Wine to Run Windows Program in Red Hat Linux. Configuring, Installing, and Using VMware. Microsoft Windows on Win4Lin. Mac OS Emulation. Remote Computer Operating. Cygwin for Windows. Cross Compilers and Other Cross-Platform Tools for Use in Red Hat Linux. Cross-Platform Floppy Disk Tools. Using Binary Emulation in Red Hat Linux.
Appendix A. Red Hat Linux Internet Resources.Usenet Newsgroups. Mailing Lists. Internet Relay Chat.
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