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Continuing with the tradition of offering the best and most comprehensive coverage of Red Hat Linux on the market, Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed includes new and additional material based on the latest release of Red Hat's Fedora Core Linux distribution. Incorporating an advanced approach to presenting information about Fedora, the book aims to provide the best and latest information that intermediate to advanced Linux users need to know about installation, configuration, system administration, server operations, and security.
Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed thoroughly covers all of Fedora's software packages, including up-to-date material on new applications, Web development, peripherals, and programming languages. It also includes updated discussion of the architecture of the Linux kernel 2.6, USB, KDE, GNOME, Broadband access issues, routing, gateways, firewalls, disk tuning, GCC, Perl, Python, printing services (CUPS), and security. Red Hat Linux Fedora 5 Unleashed is the most trusted and comprehensive guide to the latest version of Fedora Linux.
Introduction 1
PART I Installation and Configuraiton
1 Introducing Fedora 13
2 Preparing to Install Fedora 27
3 Installing Fedora 53
4 Post-Installation Configuration 85
5 First Steps with Fedora 121
PART II Desktop Fedora
6 The X Window System 167
7 Managing Software 193
8 On the Internet: Surfing the Web, Writing Email, and Reading the News 211
9 Productivity Applications 241
10 Multimedia Applications 263
11 Graphics Manipulation 287
12 Printing with Fedora 301
13 Games 315
PART III System Administration
14 Managing Users 325
15 Automating Tasks 351
16 System Resources 413
17 Backing Up, Restoring, and Recovery 423
18 Network Connectivity 435
19 Remote Access with SSH and Telnet 507
20 Xen 515
PART IV Fedora As a Server
21 Apache Web Server Management 523
22 Administering Database Services 567
23 File and Print 593
24 Remote File Serving with FTP 625
25 Handling Electronic Mail 669
26 Setting Up a Proxy Server 693
27 Managing DNS 703
28 LDAP 743
29 News Servers 753
PART V Programming Linux
30 Using Perl 769
31 Working with Python 791
32 Writing PHP Scripts 811
33 C/C++ Programming Tools for Fedora 845
PART VI Fedora Housekeeping
34 Securing Your Machines 863
35 Performance Tuning 875
36 Command Line Masterclass 889
37 Advanced yum
38 Managing the File System 925
39 Kernel and Module Management 963
PART VI Appendix
A Fedora and Linux Internet Resources 989
Index 1001