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This book provides an exciting blend of game design strategies, nuts-and-bolts programming tips, deeply detailed code samples, and richly developed games and demos. Real-Time Interactive 3D Games defines the role of narratives in games and is packed with valuable advice on a variety of topics, including tapping into the traditions of theater to make the games you develop more dramatic and tips for marketing your 3D game.
The first part of the book demonstrates good character and environment design for interactive games. A substantial set of tutorials on the use of 3D Lingo to program games follows. Finally, you can follow along with Dr. Partridge and his team as they build a dramatic real-time interactive 3D game called 17 Keys. The structure mirrors the best game development practices to give you the skills to go out and develop games on your own.
Managing Your Game's Story On-the-Fly
Managing Your Game's Story On-the-Fly
1. The Story: How Much Is Too Much?Getting Started. Getting a Grip on Narratives. Brainstorming a Story. Stripping Away the Snoozers. Games That Make Stories Happen.
2. Making Plans.Planning the Story. Writing Your Own Game Treatment. Planning the Interface: Not Too Pretty, Not Too Ugly.
3. Managing Your Story On-the-Fly.Creating Dynamic Plots. Encouraging Actions That Lead to Conflict.
4. Revealing the World Dynamically.Smart Sounds. Smart Spaces. Making Everything Match.
5. An Introduction to Director 3D.3D Interface Elements. 3D Object Structures and Lingo. Concepts. Working with Models.
6. Cameras and Lights.Time Out for a Mental Transformation. Working with Cameras. Working with Lights.
7. Shaders and Textures.Working with Shaders. Working with Textures.
8. Low-Polygon Modeling and Third-Party Exporters.Optimization. The Exporters.
9. Using 3D Keyframe Animation in Director.Keyframe Animation Basics.
10. Using 3D Bone Animation in Director.Bone Animation Cycles. Using Bones in Director.
11. Adding Abilities with Modifiers.General Modifier Usage.
12. Simulating Physics.The Collision Modifier. Using Havok Physics Xtra.
13. 17 Keys: Week One.Day One. Day Two. Day Three. Day Four. Day Five.
14. 17 Keys: Week Two.Day One. Day Two. Day Three. Day Four. Day Five.
15. 17 Keys: Week Three.Day One. Day Two. Day Three. Day Four. Day Five.
16. 17 Keys: Week Four.Day One. Day Two. Day Three. Day Four. Day Five. Epilogue.
17. Selling and Marketing Your Game.They'll Buy It If You Sell It. Match the Client to the Target Audience. Commit and Exaggerate. Possible, No—Consistent, Yes. Managing the Details. What Next?
Appendix A. Treatments and Technical Specifications.n-Virae Interactive Entertainment Device Treatment and Spec. Word Wacky 3D Treatment and Spec.
Appendix B. Composition Basics.The Elements of Design. Principles of Design.
Appendix C. Online Resources.General Director-Related Web Resources. Listserves. Meet the Gang. 3D Tutorials and Communities. Game Sites.
Appendix D. A Large Scale Spec.17 Keys Technical Specification.