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Remember when you were so excited about your garage? You thought about how great it would be to be able to keep your car in there, away from the elements outside. Now, you're lucky if you can find a clear path for to walk through it, much less get your car inside. You want to get organized, but when you look at how much there is to find a home for, you get discouraged. Now you have help. Organize Your Garage In No Time provides step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow to-do lists to help you get and stay organized. You will learn how to arrange a garage based on use and budget. You'll even get specific product recommendations to help design the perfect storage solution using shelving, cabinets, peg hooks, wall and rafter hangers. Go from clutter and confusion to having a home for everything in your garage, including your car, using Organize Your Garage In No Time.
Organize Your Garage in No Time: Reviewing Storage Options
1. Where Do I Begin?
Analyzing Your Needs
Are You Storing from Necessity or from Habit?
Weathering the Elements
Determining Your Objective
Inventorying Your Garage Contents
Determining Whether Your Goal Is Realistic
Deciding What Stays and What Goes
Satisfying Everybody’s Needs
Paring Down Your List of Items to Be Stored
Envisioning the Finished Product
Creating a Plan for the Process
Breaking It Down into Small, Manageable Pieces
Enlisting the Help of Others
Storing Things Safely
Lifting Safely
2. Understanding the Organizing Process.
Choosing a Starting Point
Reducing the Volume: Making the Easy Decisions
Removing Items and Clearing Space
Clearing Area by Area
Clearing the Entire Garage
Sorting Things Out
Grouping Like Things Together
Creating Subgroups of Like Things
Deciding What to Get Rid Of
Making the Hard Decisions on What to Keep or Toss
Finding New Owners for Unwanted Items
Selecting a Home
Containerizing Your Goods
Labeling the Contents
Ways to Label
Using a Label Maker
Maintaining Your System
3. Reviewing Storage Options.
Assessing Your Storage Style
Assessing Storage Options
Hanging Things Up
Simple, Inexpensive Hanging Storage Solutions
Hang It with a Hook
Other Types of Wall Holders for Hanging Items
Hanging on Pegboard: New Systems for an Old Favorite
Setting Up Shelving
Using Dividers and Containers to Keep Your Shelves Organized
Cabinetry with Shelves
Storing in Drawers
Storing on the Floor… or Not
Using the Ceiling to Create More Storage
Installing Your Own Loft Storage
Loft-It® Storage Lift System
Choosing Storage Methods That Work for You
4. Selecting Storage Systems.
Using What You Already Have
Making Basic Decisions About Your Storage System
Determine Your Budget
Determine the Type of Storage System You Want
Creating a Storage System for Less Than $500
Shelving Options
Cabinet Solutions
Wall-Hanging Systems
Multicomponent Storage Systems
Creating a Storage System for Between $500 and $1,000
Wall-Hanging System
Multicomponent System
Custom Garage Cabinet Systems
Complete Storage Systems for More Than $1,000
Wall-Hanging Systems
Multicomponent Systems
5. Analyzing Alternative Storage Solutions.
Choosing and Installing a Shed
Do You Need a Shed?
Choosing a Shed Type
Choosing Features and Accessories
Installing Your Shed
Utilizing Your Attic or Basement for Storage
Is Your Attic a Big, Black Hole?
Has Your Basement Become an Extension of the Mess in Your Garage?
Smart Storage Tips for Attics and Basements
Considering Offsite Storage
Selecting an Offsite Public Storage Facility
Utilizing Portable Storage Containers
6. Making Your Workbench Work.
Assessing Your Workbench Requirements
Determining the Best Size for Your Workbench
Choosing the Ideal Location for Your Workbench
Selecting a Workbench That Works
Creating a Workbench from Items You Already Own
Portable Workbenches
Wall-Hanging Workbench Systems
Modular Workbench Systems
Organizing Your Workbench
Step 1: Reducing the Volume
Step 2: Removing What Remains
Step 3: Sorting
Step 4: Purging and Weeding
Step 5: Selecting and Replacing Items in Their New Home
Step 6: Containerizing and Labeling
7. Tackling Your Tools.
Back to Basics: Tools That People Need
Organizing Your Tools
Step 1: Gather Up the Tools and Reduce the Volume
Step 2: Clear the Tool-Storage Area
Step 3: Sort Your Tools
Step 4: Eliminate the Tools You Don’t Need
Step 5: Place Your Tools in Their New Home
Choosing a Tool-Storage System
8. Managing Nuts and Bolts: Pieces and Parts.
To Sort or Not to Sort–That Is the Question
Organizing the Pieces and Parts
Gather Up the Items
Define the Parameters and Sort
Eliminate What You Don’t Need
Storing Your Sorted Pieces and Parts
Economical Storage Solutions
Homemade Storage Systems
Specially Designed Storage Systems
Portable Storage Systems
9. Storing Your Sports Gear.
Organizing Your Sporting Goods
Step 1: Reduce the Quantity
Step 2: Empty the Storage Area
Step 3: Sort and Group
Step 4: Say Good-bye to What You No Longer Use
Selecting a Home to Store Your Sports Gear
Using What You Already Have
Storing Bicycles
Storing Balls and Children’s Toys
Specialty Racks for Specific Sports
Combo Sports Racks
Complete Sports Storage Systems
10. Weeding Out Lawn and Garden Clutter.
Organizing Tools and Other Lawn and Garden Items
Step 1: Reduce the Quantity
Step 2: Clear the Storage Area
Step 3: Sort and Group
Step 4: Weed and Purge
Step 5: Putting Things Back
Creating a Suitable Storage System
Economical Methods of Storage
Complete Storage Systems for Less Than $500
Complete Storage Systems for More Than $500
11. Stashing Seasonal Stuff.
Organizing Seasonal Items
Step 1: Reduce the Quantity
Step 2: Empty the Storage Area
Step 3: Sort and Group
Step 4: Deciding to Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need
Step 5: Putting Things Back
Dealing with Holiday Decorations
Storing Christmas Ornaments
Storing Other Christmas Items
12. Protecting the Garage Floor.
Covering the Garage Floor: Should I or Shouldn’t I?
Using Floor Paints and Sealers
Getting the Floor Ready
Selecting and Applying an Appropriate Product
Investing in a Floor Covering
13. Getting Rid of Stuff.
Tossing and Recycling Options
Dealing with Hazardous Waste and Toxic Substances
Determining Whether a Substance Is Toxic or Hazardous
Disposing of Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Substances
Giving Things Away
Giving to Individuals
Donating to Organizations
Giving for All Its Worth
Selling Items for Profit
14. Having a Successful Garage Sale.
Deciding Whether a Garage Sale Is Worth It
Preparing for the Big Day
Choosing a Date and a Time
Determining a Selling Price
Advertising Your Sale
Making and Posting Signs
Merchandising Your Sale
Managing the Sale
Setting Up a Checkout Station
A. Resources and References.
Product and Vendor Resources
Product Manufacturers and Vendors
Organizing Retailers
Organizing Software
Additional Resources
Books and Magazines
Professional Organizing Services
Outlets for Getting Rid of Items