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26 Hours of Video Instruction
Master the art of model-based systems engineering with the OOSEM Accelerator MBSE Methodology Training Course, designed to elevate your skills and boost project success.
The OOSEM Accelerator MBSE Methodology Training Course provides Model Based Systems Engineering methodology training. This course focuses on the OOSEM modeling methodology and CSM tool mechanics. The focus of this course is not on learning the SysML language, or SysML notations and grammar rules. Proficiency in SysML is therefore a prerequisite for this course.
This course guides participants through the INCOSE Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM) by building a model step-by-step using the Cameo Systems Modeler tool. The course emphasizes hands-on learning, covering everything from capturing stakeholder concerns to creating detailed structural and behavioral models using SysML diagrams.
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Who Should Take This Course
System engineers, model-based systems engineers, systems architects, and systems modeling practitioners. These roles are crucial in industries where complex systems are developed and maintained, such as aerospace, defense, automotive, and telecommunications.
Module 1: Introduction to MBSE and OOSEM
This module covers the roots of the return-on-investment from practicing MBSE, with supporting data.
Module 2: Creating an Effective Model Structure
This module covers the design activities in the Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM) modeling methodology.
Module 3: Partitioning design elements
This module covers creating an effective model structure for partitioning design elements and representing that model structure on SysML package diagrams.
Module 4: Capturing Stakeholders and Their Concerns
This module covers capturing stakeholders and their concerns in a SysML model.
Module 5: Graphical Representation of System Use Cases
This module covers modeling system use cases and actors with SysML use case diagrams.
Module 6: Structural Modeling of a Systems Domain
This module covers creating SysML activity diagrams to graphically represent system use case specifications.
Module 7: Modeling System Requirements and Traceability
This module covers creating a structural model of a systems domain and representing it on SysML block definition diagrams (BDDs) and internal block diagrams (IBDs).
Module 8: Structural Modeling of a Systems Architecture
This module covers modeling system requirements and traceability relationships with SysML requirements diagrams, matrices, and tables.
Module 9: Behavioral Modeling of the System
This module covers creating a structural model of a systems architecture and representing it on SysML BDDs and IBDs.
Module 10: Modeling Interfaces and Object Flow
This module covers modeling interfaces and object flow in dynamic and static views of the system, and creating a behavioral model of the system via decomposition of use case level behaviors.
Module 11: State-Based Behavior Representation
This module covers allocating system behaviors to system structures, and creating SysML state machine diagrams to represent the state-based behavior of system structures.
Module 12: Using the MagicDraw SysML Modeling Tool
This module covers the mechanics of operating the Cameo Systems Modeler SysML and modeling tool to create and simulate a system mode.
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Module 1. Introduction to MBSE and OOSEM
Module 2. Creating an Effective Model Structure
Module 3. Partitioning Design Elements
Module 4. Capturing Stakeholders and Their Concerns
Module 5. Graphical Representation of System Use Cases
Module 6. Structural Modeling of a Systems Domain
Module 7. Modeling System Requirements and Traceability
Module 8. Structural Modeling of a Systems Architecture
Module 9. Behavioral Modeling of the System
Module 10. Modeling Interfaces and Object Flow
Module 11. State-Based Behavior Representation
Module 12. Using the MagicDraw SysML Modeling Tool