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Next Generation SOA: A Concise Introduction to Service Technology & Service-Orientation

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Next Generation SOA: A Concise Introduction to Service Technology & Service-Orientation

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  • Copyright 2015
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
  • Pages: 208
  • Edition: 1st
  • eBook (Watermarked)
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-385912-6
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-385912-6

The Concise Introduction to Modern SOA: High-Value Approaches, Innovative Technologies, Proven Use Cases

After a decade of innovation in technology and practice, SOA is now a mainstream computing discipline, capable of transforming IT enterprises and optimizing business automation. In Next Generation SOA, top-selling SOA author Thomas Erl and a team of experts present a plain-English tour of SOA, service-orientation, and the key service technologies being used to build sophisticated contemporary service-oriented solutions.

The starting point for today’s IT professionals, this concise guide distills the increasingly growing and diverse field of service-oriented architecture and the real-world practice of building powerful service-driven systems. Accessible and jargon-free, this book intentionally avoids technical details to provide easy-to-understand, introductory coverage of the following topics:

  • Services, service-orientation, and service-oriented computing: what they are and how they have evolved
  • How SOA and service-orientation change businesses and transform IT culture, priorities, and technology decisions
  • How services are defined and composed to solve a wide spectrum of business problems
  • Deep implications of the service-orientation paradigm--illuminated through an annotation of the classic SOA Manifesto
  • Traditional and contemporary service technologies and architectures
  • How clouds and virtualization support the scalability and reliability of services-based solutions
  • SOA-based industry models, from enterprise service to global trader
  • A detailed case study: how real enterprises bring together contemporary SOA practices, models, and technologies

Next Generation SOA will be indispensable to wide audiences of business decision makers and technologists--including architects, developers, managers, executives, strategists, consultants, and researchers.

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction     1
About This Book     2
Who This Book Is For     2
What This Book Does Not Cover     3
How This Book Is Organized     3
Additional Information     4
Updates, Errata, and Resources (www.servicetechbooks.com)      4
Service Technology Specifications (www.servicetechspecs.com)      4
The Service Technology Magazine (www.servicetechmag.com)      5
Service-Orientation (www.serviceorientation.com)      5
What Is REST? (www.whatisrest.com)      5
What Is Cloud? (www.whatiscloud.com)      5
SOA and Cloud Computing Design Patterns (www.soapatterns.org, www.cloudpatterns.org)      5
SOA Certified Professional (SOACP) (www.soaschool.com)      5
Cloud Certified Professional (CCP) (www.cloudschool.com)      5
Big Data Science Certified Professional (BDSCP) (www.bigdatascienceschool.com)      6
Notification Service     6
Chapter 2: An Overview of SOA & Service-Orientation     7
Services and Service-Orientation     8
Service-Orientation, Yesterday and Today     9
Applying Service-Orientation     12
The Eight Principles of Service-Orientation     12
The Four Characteristics of SOA     13
The Four Common Types of SOA     15
SOA Design Patterns     17
The Seven Goals of Applying Service-Orientation     18
Planning For and Governing SOA     20
The Four Pillars of Service-Orientation     20
The Seven Levels of Organizational Maturity     22
SOA Governance Controls     23
Chapter 3: A Look at How Services are Defined and Composed     25
Basic Concepts     27
Agnostic and Non-Agnostic Logic     27
Service Models and Service Layers     27
Service and Service Capability Candidates     28
Breaking Down the Business Problem     28
Functional Decomposition     28
Service Encapsulation     30
Agnostic Context     30
Agnostic Capability     32
Utility Abstraction     32
Entity Abstraction     33
Non-Agnostic Context     34
Process Abstraction and Task Services     35
Building Up the Service-Oriented Solution     36
Service-Orientation and Service Composition     36
Capability Composition and Capability Recomposition     39
Capability Composition     39
Capability Recomposition     40
Domain Service Inventories     44
Chapter 4: An Exploration of Service-Orientation with the SOA Manifesto     47
The SOA Manifesto     48
The SOA Manifesto Explored     49
Preamble     50
Priorities     51
Guiding Principles     55
Chapter 5: An Overview of Service Technology     63
Web-Based Services     64
SOAP-Based Web Services     65
REST Services     65
Components     66
Service Virtualization     66
Cloud Computing     67
API Management     68
Model-Driven Software Design     68
Semantic Web     69
Business Process Management     70
Composition and Orchestration     70
Master Data Management     71
Business Rule Engines     72
Social Network Technologies     72
Mobile Computing     72
Agent-Driven Architecture     73
Event-Driven Architecture and Complex Event Processing     74
Business Intelligence     75
Enterprise Information Integration and Extract-Transform-Load     76
Big Data     77
Chapter 6: A Look at Service-Driven Industry Models     79
The Enterprise Service Model     80
The Virtual Enterprise Model     81
The Capacity Trader Model     82
The Enhanced Wholesaler Model     83
The Price Comparator Model     83
The Content Provider Model     84
The Job Market Model     84
The Global Trader Model     86
Industry Watchdogs     86
Guarantors     87
Chapter 7: A Case Study     89
Systems Landscape     92
New Marketing Strategy     93
Corporate Culture     95
Vehicle Maintenance     97
The Billing System     97
Strategic Considerations     98
Cloud Adoption     99
New Reference Architecture     102
The Customer Profile Process     102
New Service Technology     105
The SOA Governance Program Office     107
The Enterprise Architecture Board     108
A Transformed Enterprise     110
Appendix A: Additional Reading for Applying Service-Orientation     117

The Eight Service-Orientation Principles     118
Standardized Service Contract      119
Service Loose Coupling     121
Service Abstraction     122
Service Reusability     123
Service Autonomy     125
Service Statelessness     126
Service Discoverability     128
Service Composability     130
The Four Characteristics of SOA     132
Business-Driven     132
Vendor-Neutral     134
Enterprise-Centric     137
Composition-Centric     138
SOA Design Patterns     140
Appendix B: Additional Reading for Planning & Governing Service-Orientation     151
The Four Pillars of Service-Orientation     152
Teamwork     153
Education     153
Discipline     153
Balanced Scope     154
The Seven Levels of Organizational Maturity     156
Service Neutral Level     157
Service Aware Level     157
Service Capable Level     158
Business Aligned Level     158
Business Driven Level     159
Service Ineffectual Level     159
Service Aggressive Level     159
SOA Governance Controls     160
Precepts     160
Processes     161
People (Roles)      162
Metrics     162
Appendix C: Additional Reading for Cloud Computing     163
Goals and Benefits     164
Reduced Investments and Proportional Costs     164
Increased Scalability     166
Increased Availability and Reliability     167
Risks and Challenges     168
Increased Security Vulnerabilities     168
Reduced Operational Governance Control     168
Limited Portability Between Cloud Providers     170
Multi-Regional Compliance and Legal Issues     171
About the Authors     173
Index     179


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