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With JRun Web Application Construction Kit, readers learn how to create dynamic Web sites without ever knowing Java code. This book takes a fundamental approach to developing dynamic Web applications using JRun and Java Server Pages (JSP) . It deals specifically with JRun, the first and most widely used J2EE-compliant application server.
Customizing the Look of Error Messages in JSP
1. Introducing JRun.Internet Basics. Understanding Java. Dynamic Web Application Development. JRun Explained. Linking to External Applications. Powered by JRun.
2. Installing JRun and JRun Studio.JRun Installation Basics. The Three Versions of JRun: Professional, Advanced, and Enterprise. JRun Preinstallation Checklist. Installing JRun. Installing JRun Studio. Installing This Book's Sample Applications.
3. Building the Databases.Database Fundamentals. Using a Database. Understanding Relational Databases. Types of Database Applications. Building the OWS Database Tables.
4. Introducing the JRun Management Console.The Basics of JRun Server. Accessing the JMC. Using the JMC.
5. Previewing JRun.Preparing to Learn JRun. Using the Applications Wizards. Writing Your Own JSP Page.
6. Introduction to SQL.Introducing SQL. Introducing JDBC and ODBC. Preparing to Write SQL Queries. Creating Queries. Sorting Query Results. Filtering Data.
7. SQL Data Manipulation.Adding Data. Modifying Data. Deleting Data.
8. Introduction to JRun Studio.Understanding JRun Studio. Using the Editor. Getting Help. Using the Tag Chooser. Accessing JRun Application Server Services. Using the SQL Query Builder. Just Use It.
9. Introduction to JSP.Working with Templates. Using Scripts. Using Variables and Objects. Using Packages to Import Classes. Working with Arrays. Commenting Code.
10. JRun Basics.Working with Conditional Processing. Using Looping. Reusing Code. Revisiting Variables.
11. Creating Data-Driven Pages.Accessing Databases. Displaying Database Query Results. Using QueryTable Objects. Grouping Result Output. Using Data Drill-Down.
12. JRun Forms.Using Forms. Creating Forms. Processing Form Submissions. Creating Dynamic SQL Statements. Building Truly Dynamic Statements. Creating Dynamic Search Screens.
13. Form Data Validation.Understanding Form Validation. Using Server-Side Validation. Using Client-Side Validation. Putting It All Together.
14. Using Forms to Add or Change Data.Adding Data with JRun. Updating Data with JRun. Deleting Data with JRun. Reusing Forms. Creating a Complete Application.
15. Debugging and Troubleshooting.Debugging JRun Applications. Debugging Web Server Configuration Problems. Debugging JDBC Driver Errors. Debugging SQL Statement or Logic Errors. Debugging JSP Syntax Errors. Inspecting the Contents of a Variable. Using the Document Validator. Debugging URL and Path Problems. Debugging Form Problems. Using the Studio Remote Debugger. Using the JRun Log Files. Preventing Problems.
16. Using Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev with JRun.UltraDev Overview. The UltraDev Environment. Configuring UltraDev for JRun. Building Form, Results, and Details Pages. The JRun Code Generated by UltraDev.
17. Planning an Application.Getting Started on Your Application. Planning the Process. While You Are Working.
18. Working with Projects.Understanding Projects. Using Projects. Getting the Most Out of Project Folders. Filtering Files with Project Resources. Using Projects to Ease Code Maintenance. Deploying Projects.
19. The Web Application Framework.Introducing the JRun Web Application Framework. Introduction to Scope. Customizing the Look of Error Messages.
20. Working with Sessions.Addressing the Web's Statelessness. Using Cookies to Remember Preferences. Using Session Variables.
21. Securing Your Applications.Introduction to JRun Security. SSL Encryption. User Authentication. J2EE Application Authentication. Application-Based Authentication. Other Scenarios for Application-based Authentication.
22. Building Reusable Components.Introducing JRun Server Tags. Creating JST Tags.
23. Improving the User Experience.Usability Considerations. Remembering Settings. Creating Next N Records Interfaces. Controlling Page Output by Using the Buffer.
24. Improving Performance.JRun Performance Concepts. Knowing Your Limits. JMC Performance Tuning. Performance and Scalability Techniques.
25. Using Other Java Programs.Using Java Tools in JSP Applications. Using Packages. Using JavaBeans. Using Servlets. Using Applets.
26. Interacting with E-mail.Sending E-mail from JRun. Retrieving E-mail with JRun.
27. Online Commerce.Building E-commerce Sites. Creating Storefronts. Creating Shopping Carts. Processing Payments. Performing Other Commerce-Related Tasks.
28. JRun Server Configuration.The JRun Management Console. Configuring an External Web Server. Administering Servers. Managing Applications.
29. Advanced SQL.Advanced SQL Topics. Additional <jrun:sql> Topics.
30. Error Handling.Catching Errors as They Occur. Working with Java Exceptions. Using throw to Rethrow Exceptions.
31. Generating Non-HTML Content.JRun and Non-HTML Content. Comma-Separated Text. Generating Excel Files. Serving Media Files. Getting Started with Wireless Applications.
32. Working with XML.Introduction to XML. Using <jrun:query2xml> to Generate XML. Using <jrun:xslt> to Transform XML.
33. Managing Your Code.Coding Standards. Documentation. Code Methodologies. Version Control.
Appendix A. JSP Syntax Reference.Scripting Elements. Directives. Actions. Objects.
Appendix B. JRun Tag Library Reference.<jrun:case>. <jrun:foreach>. <jrun:form>. <jrun:getmail>. <jrun:getmsg>. <jrun:if>. <jrun:input>. <jrun:jndi>. <jrun:mailparam>. <jrun:msgparam>. <jrun:param>. <jrun:procparam>. <jrun:query2xml>. <jrun:select>. <jrun:sendmail>. <jrun:sendmsg>. <jrun:servlet>. <jrun:servletparam>. <jrun:sql>. <jrun:sqlparam>. <jrun:storeproc>. <jrun:switch>. <jrun:transaction>. <jrun:xslt>.
Appendix C. Useful Java Packages and Classes.The java.lang Package. The java.io Package. The java.util Package. The java.text Package.
Appendix D. Sample Application Data Files.Sample Application Data Files.