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This book teaches readers what they need to know to not only set up an incident response effort, but also how to improve existing incident response efforts. The book provides a comprehensive approach to incident response, covering everything necessary to deal with all phases of incident response effectively ¿ spanning from pre-incident conditions and considerations to the end of an incident.
Although technical considerations, (e.g. the particular binaries in Unix and Linux and dynamically linked libraries in Windows NT and Windows 2000) that need to be inspected in case they are corrupted, the types of logging data available in major operating systems and how to interpret it to obtain information about incidents, how network attacks can be detected on the basis of information contained in packets, and so on ¿ the major focus of this book is on managerial and procedural matters. Incident Response advances the notion that without effective management, incident response cannot succeed.
Forming and Managing an Incident Response Team
Click below for Sample Chapter related to this title:
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary/Conclusion.)
1. An Introduction to Incident Response.
What Is Incident Response? The Rationale for Incident Response. Overview of Incident Response.
About Risk Analysis. Types of Security-Related Risks. Obtaining Data About Security-Related Incidents. The Importance of Risk Analysis in Incident Response.
Rationale for Using an Incident Response Methodology. A Six-Stage Methodology for Incident Response. Caveats.
What Is an Incident Response Team? Why Form an Incident Response Team? Issues in Forming a Response Team. About Managing an Incident Response Effort.
Virtual Teams-Ensuring Availability. Training the Team. Testing the Team. Barriers to Success. External Coordination. Managing Incidents.
What Does Tracing Network Attacks Mean? Putting Attack Tracing in Context. Tracing Methods. Next Steps. Constructing an “Attack Path”. Final Caveats.
U.S. Computer Crime Statutes. International Statutes. Search, Seizure, and Monitoring. Policies. Liability. To Prosecute or Not?
Guiding Principles. Forensics Hardware. Forensics Software. Acquiring Evidence. Examination of the Evidence.
Covert Searches. Advanced Searches. Encryption. Home Use Systems. UNIX and Server Forensics.
Types of Insiders. Types of Attacks. Preparing for Insider Attacks. Detecting Insider Attacks. Responding to Insider Attacks. Special Considerations. Special Situations. Legal Issues.
Integration of the Social Sciences into Incident Response. Part I: Cybercrime Profiling. Part II: Insider Attacks. Part III: Incident Victims. Part IV: Human Side of Incident Response.
About Traps and Deceptive Measures. Advantages and Limitations of Traps and Deceptive Measures. Focus: Honeypots. Integrating Traps and Deceptive Measures into Incident Response.
Technical Advances. Social Advances. The Progress of the Profession. The Nature of Incidents.
Site Security Handbook.