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This book gathers together and presentsin a readable, accessible form the arcane knowledge of the Samba Team in understanding the CIFS protocol. The content is based on years of experience asking and answering questions on the Samba Technical and jCIFS Developer's mailing lists, as well as countless hours spent pouring over obscure documentation, packet traces, and source code. The approach is layered with basic concepts first introduced and then discussed before drilling down into the actual workings and internals. The goal is to help the reader, no matter what platform they are working in, develop an understanding of the protocols, and to act as a guide to the more detailed specifications and technical references that are available.The large installed base of Windows systems has granted de facto standard status to the CIFS (Microsoft's filesharing system) protocol suite. It lets programs make requests for files and services on remote computers on the Internet. Unfortunately, implementation documentation and detailed protocol specs are scarce, incomplete, or inconsistent. This is a problem both for network administrators and third-party CIFS implementors and so the need for this book is clear.Samba is an Open Source CIFS server that ships with most distributions of Linux and several commercial UNIX flavors. JCIFS is an SMB/CIFS implementation in Java.
1. A Short Bio of NetBIOS.NetBIOS and DOS: The Early Years.
2. Speaking NetBIOS.Emulating “NetBIOS LANs”. Scope: The Final Frontier. Thus Endeth the Overview.
3. The Basics of NBT Implementation.You Got the Name, Look Up the Number. Interlude.
4. The Name Service in Detail.NBT Names: Once More with Feeling. NBT Name Service Packets. Conversations with the Name Service. Enough Already.
5. The Datagram Service in Detail.Datagram Distribution over Routed IP Internetworks. The NBDD and the Damage Done. Implementing a Workable Datagram Service.
6. The Session Service in Detail.Session Service Header. Creating an NBT Session. Maintaining an NBT Session. Closing an NBT Session.
7. Where It All Went Wrong.The 0x1Dirty Little Secret. Twenty-five IPs or Less. Special Handling Required for 0x1B Names. Alternate Name Resolution. The Awful Truth.
8. A Little Background on SMB.Getting Started. NBT or Not NBT.
9. An Introductory Tour of SMB.The Server Identifier. The Directory Path. The File. The SMB URL. Was That Trip Really Necessary?
10. First Contact: Reaching the Server.Interpreting the Server Identifier. The Destination Port. Transport Discovery. Connecting to the Server.
11. SMB in Its Natural Habitat.Our Very First Live SMBs. SMB Message Structure. Case in Point: NEGOTIATE PROTOCOL. The AndX Mutation. The Flow of Conversation. A Little More Code. Take a Break.
12. The SMB Header in Detail.The SMB_HEADER.STATUS Field Exposed. The FLAGS and FLAGS2 Fields Tell All. EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It! TID and UID: Separated at Birth? PID and MID Revealed. SMB Header Final Report.
13. Protocol Negotiation.A Smattering of SMB Dialects. Greetings: The NEGOTIATE PROTOCOL REQUEST. Gesundheit: The NEGOTIATE PROTOCOL RESPONSE. Are We There Yet?
15. Authentication.Anonymous and Guest Login. Plaintext Passwords. LM Challenge/Response. NTLM Challenge/Response. NTLM Version 2. Extended Security: That Light at the End of the Tunnel. Kerberos. Random Notes on W2K and NT Domain Authentication. Random Notes on Message Authentication Codes. Non Sequitur Time. Further Study.
16. Building Your SMB Vocabulary.That TREE CONNECT Thingy. SMB Echo. Readin', Writin', and 'Rithmatic. Transaction SMBs.
17. The Remaining Oddities.Opportunistic Locks (OpLocks). Distributed File System (DFS). DOS Attributes, Extended File Attributes, Long Filenames, and Suchlike.
18. That Just about Wraps Things Up for SMB.III. THE BROWSE SERVICE.
19. A Beautiful Day in the Network Neighborhood.History: From Frontier Town to Bustling Metropolis. Sociology. Politics.
20. Meet the Neighbors.Browse Service Clientele. The Local Master Browser. Becoming a Backup Browser. Crossing the Street with the DMB. Elections.
21. Infrastructure: The Mailslot and Named Pipe Abstractions.Meet the Plumbing: Named Pipes. The Mailslot Metaphor.
22. The Talk on the Street.Making Sense of SMBtrans. Browse Service Mailslot Messages. RAPture.
23. The Better Browser Bureau.Running an Election. Timing Is Everything.
24. Samba Browse Service Enhancements.Automatic LANMAN. UnBrowsable. NBNS Wildcard DMB Queries and Enhanced Browsing. Remote Announce. Remote Browse Sync. DMB != PDC.
25. It Can't Happen Here.Misconfigured Hosts. Misconfigured Networks. Implementation Bugs. Troublemakers. Design Flaws.
26. At Home in the Network Neighborhood.IV. APPENDICES.
Appendix A: Making a Good Cup of Tea.Basics of Making Tea. About Tea. Nasty Habits. Decaffeinating Tea.
Appendix B: Known NetBIOS Suffix Values.NetBIOS Name Suffix Bytes. Special Handling of NetBIOS Names in WINS.
Appendix C: The SMB URL.The Origins of the SMB URL. Of Round Pegs, Square Holes, and Big Mallets. Form Versus Function. Additional Parts. A Simple SMB URL Parser.
Appendix D: CIFS Technical Reference.Glossary.
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