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Stories about hacking, stolen credit card numbers, computer viruses, andidentity theft are all around us, but what do they really mean to us? The goal ofthis book, quite simply, is to help educate people on the issues with high-techcrimes, to help answer that question. The goal being not to only talk aboutthese issues, but understand them.There are many books on the market that explain how hackers exploitcomputer and networks. They explain the details of the exploits and methodsto protect against them, and as such are targeted for those with strong technicalknowledge. That is *not* the case here. Readers will not learn the intricacies ofthe latest hacking attack. Readers will learn how hackers use these exploits, whythey use them, and in some cases how they get caught.With Branigan's background as a sworn law-enforcement officer (cop), systemadministrator (geek), computer programmer (geek), Internet security consultant(geek with tie), and network security researcher (geek in shorts), he offers aunique perspective to help people better understand the many issues with hightechcrime and how they might be affected.
High-Tech Crimes Revealed: An Interview with Stephen Branigan
The Dark Art of Social Engineering
The Real THR34T KR3W: The Story of Hacker Connor Hansen
Cyberwar Stories: If He Had Just Paid the Rent
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Chapter related to this title.
1. An Attack on the Telephone Network.
The First Meeting.
The Beginning.
Follow Up.
The Management Update.
A Review of the Data….
Decisions, Decisions….
Off to See the Law.
Building the Search Warrant.
Execution of the Warrant.
The Computer Forensics.
The End Game .
2. An Attack on an ISP.
Starting Up a Case.
A Simple Call to Customer Support.
Handle the Crisis.
What Are the Options.
You Can Never Find…
The Investigation Begins.
The Search Warrant.
A Method for Performing a Computer Search Without Removing Equipment.
Post-Evidence Collection.
A Surprising Find.
Call in the Feds.
Squeezing the CW Like a Lemon.
Coming to America.
Time for Another Search.
Finding an Unlisted ISP.
Package Up the Data.
Pulling It Back Together.
The Conclusion.
3. If He Had Just Paid the Rent.
The Eviction.
A Simple Twist.
Time to Collect the Stuff.
The Initial Examination.
The Previous Owner.
The Prosecution.
Why Speeding Is Not Such a Good Idea.
Fugitive Lessons.
The Fugitive’s Choice.
Wesley’s Moves.
4. Inside a Hacker Sting Operation…
Operation Cybersnare Background.
Being a Confidential Informant.
The Sting Starts.
Forensic Findings.
The Seven Steps of Hacking.
Time to Act.
The Leftovers.
5. Identity Theft.
What Is Identity Theft?
How Did We Get Here?
Purchasing on Credit.
The Resultant Crimes.
Credit Card Fraud.
Utility Subscription Fraud.
Bank Fraud
Employment Fraud.
Loan Frauds.
Government Document/Benefits Fraud.
What and When Do People Notice?
What To Do if You Are a Victim.
Discover Any Criminal Issues.
Secure Your Credit.
What Else Can Be Done?
Business and Law Enforcement.
6. Let’s Ask the Hackers…
Bob Gets Some Attention.
The Initial Exam of the Drive.
Evaluating the Damage.
The Hacker Interview.
Preferred Target: Technology Companies.
Hacked and Re-Hacked Systems.
Controlled by an Uber-Hacker.
Another Hacker–Alphie.
Off to the Prison.
Hacking Tools.
Motivation for Creating Tools.
7. Why Do Hackers Hack?
Technology Itself Isn’t the Solution.
Know Your Adversary.
Pseudo-Hacker Types.
What Drives Them?
The Hacker Motivations.
Revenge .
Profit .
Hacking Money and Monetary Tools.
Intellectual Challenge (Curiosity).
Further Refinements.
Insiders: Motivated by Profit and Revenge.
Outsiders: Motivated by Profit and Curiosity.
What Can Be Done?
8. Setting the Stage.
The Growth of High-Tech Crime.
In the Beginning….
Phone Systems and Voicemail.
Timeshare Systems.
The Drive to Network.
Distributed Computing Begins.
Setting the Corporate Network Stage.
More Useful Networks.
Remote Access to Data.
Today’s Corporate Network.
The Result of Network Evolution.
Virus Scanners.
Web Proxies.
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
The Network Growth.
What Upsets Network Security.
Business Partner Connectivity.
Merger or Divestiture.
Introduction of New Services.
Internal Employees That Know a Better Way to Do Something.
Closing Thoughts.
Increased High Technology.
Convenience Reduces Security.
Static Security Policies.
9. High-Tech Crime .
Why Is High Technology Popular?
What Is a High-Tech Crime?
Computer Hacking Attacks.
Technology Used in the Commission of a Crime.
Technology as the Target of a Crime.
The Growing Threat.
Information IS the Target.
Information Copying.
Credit Card Number Theft.
Deleting or Altering Information.
Complexities with High-Tech Crimes.
Jurisdiction Issues.
Corporate Role.
Forensic Examinations.
Intelligence of the Criminal.
What About Private Citizens?
High-Tech Versus Society.
10. What Not to Do.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Analyzing the Options.
Trouble on the Horizon.
Mistakes, Mistakes.
Is Everything Lost?
Some Lessons.
Management Team Issues.
Poor Case Management.
Impatience–Rushing Cases.
Lacking of Understanding of the Technology Being Investigated.
Bad Luck.
11. How to Run a High-Tech Case.
Some Concerns.
The Basics.
How Does a Case Start?
Unsolicited Report.
Personally Witness.
Automated Detection.
Leads from Another Investigation.
High-Tech Reporting Issues.
Actively Investigating the Case.
Establish the Case Parameters.
Evidence Collection.
Maintain Records.
Issues with Evidence Collection.
Make Your Move.
See the Case Through.
The End Game.
12. What Have We Learned.
A High-Tech Crime Timeline.
Warning Labels.
A Virtual Identity Makes Crime Easier.
Computers in Society.
Business Improvements.
Home Improvements.
Running Ahead of Ourselves.
Is There Hope?
How to Respond.
Improved Laws and Law Enforcement.
Improved Handling of Internal Hackers.
Increased Awareness of High-Tech Crime.
Parting Thoughts.
Appendix A.
Additional Information for Part 4, “Inside a Hacker Sting Operation”.
Operation Cybersnare.
Additional Information for Part 6, “Let’s Ask the Hackers”.