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2 volumes at one great price!
The Handbook of Digital Publishing, Volumes I & II
The definitive digital publishing resource, by one of the world's foremost authorities!
The digital publishing industry finally has a single, up-to-date source for authoritative information on every aspect of digital publishing: techniques, technologies, media, workflow, and beyond! In this unprecedented two-volume set, one of the world's foremost authorities on digital publishing offers new insight into everything from typography to virtual reality, PostScript/PDF to digital photography, color models to Web development, DVDs to e-books. Crystal-clear and packed with over 1,200 illustrations, Michael Kleper's The Handbook of Digital Publishing covers all this, and more:
Volume I:The Handbook of Digital Publishing covers today's most critical digital publishing issues with unprecedented breadth and depth. Whatever your role in publishing, whatever media and tools you use, it's the most valuable reference and "how-to" tutorial you can own.
The companion Web site provides late-breaking information. Go to
"Michael Kleper's The Handbook of Digital Publishing is by far the best, and most complete, publication on this subject anywhere. This is the knowledge library of digital publishing. It will always be on my desk and is my reference source. Brilliantly written by one of the, if not the most, knowledgeable experts in this area. A must for everyone in our industry. Well done, Michael."
Frank D. Steenburgh
Sr. Vice President / WW General Manager
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