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You're hardwired for success! Make your powerful human instincts work for you and become happier and healthier!
Why do we sometimes get into the wrong relationships, take the wrong jobs, and make the wrong choices? The answers and solutions to these everyday plights are revealed by today’s “scientists of the mind,” evolutionary psychologists who have discovered stunning new lessons about the power of instincts and their capacity to transform lives positively. But too many of us have lost contact with our instincts. We don’t hear them. We don’t use them. And that gets us in trouble–over and over again. Now, Dr. Hendrie Weisinger shows how to reconnect with the instincts Mother Nature gave you. You’ll rediscover the six most indispensable human instincts that have evolved over millions and millions of years. Then, you’ll learn why you have emotions, and how to listen to to scout out an environment that'll nurture you... how to become more comfortable with your vulnerabilities... have more fun by stimulating your curiosity... build deeper bonds with those around you... make yourself more attractive to mates and employers alike! You're hardwired for success. Use the powerful instincts Mother Nature gave you and gain the joy, fulfillment, and pleasure you deserve!
The Genius of Instinct: the Face of Emotions
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 2 and Index)
Introduction 1
Part I: Shelter Seek…So You Can Find Your Home 9
Chapter 1: Selecting an Empowering Environment 11
Chapter 2: The Face of Emotions 17
Chapter 3: Home Hunting 27
Chapter 4: Shelter Seeking Today 37
Part II: Care Solicit…So You Can Protect Your Vulnerabilities 51
Chapter 5: Protecting Your Vulnerabilities 53
Chapter 6: The Benefits of Vulnerability 65
Chapter 7: The Importance of Ghost Busters 71
Chapter 8: Care Soliciting Today 77
Part III: Care Give…So You Can Develop the Future 89
Chapter 9: Developing the Future 91
Chapter 10: I Gave at the Office 95
Chapter 11: Care Giving Today 99
Part IV: Beautify…So You Can Pull People Toward You 115
Chapter 12: Pulling People Toward You 117
Chapter 13: Beautify Today 123
Chapter 14: Broadly Attractive 133
Part V: Co-op…So You Can Get People Working Together 143
Chapter 15: Team Game 145
Chapter 16: Interaction: Play Ball! 153
Chapter 17: Stimulating Cooperation 161
Chapter 18: Co-Op Today 173
Part VI: Curious?...So You Can Stay Ahead of the Pack 185
Chapter 19: Accelerating Your Learning 187
Chapter 20: Becoming a Curious George/Georgette 193
Chapter 21: Curiosity Every Day 205
Chapter 22: Curiosity Satisfied 219
Conclusion: Use Your Natural Genius 231
Appendix: The Life Enhancement Instinct Inventory 233
References 237
Index 241