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Does Franchising Make Sense as a Strategy to Drive the Growth of Your Existing Business?
In this book, Dr. Scott A. Shane systematically helps businesses assess the pros and cons of the decision to franchise. This book focuses squarely on the issues and challenges faced by franchisors. Shane answers key questions such as: What do successful franchisors do differently from unsuccessful franchisors? Why do some companies in an industry choose to franchise while their competitors don't? How does the decision to franchise affect your ability to compete with firms that don't? For businesses that choose to move forward, Shane presents proven principles for every aspect of building a successful franchising system, including: recruiting, selecting, managing and supporting franchisees; establishing territories and pricing; managing expansion; and navigating the unique legal and institutional challenges of franchising.
Is Franchising Right for Your Industry?
1. Is Franchising Right for Your Industry?
2. The Advantages of Franchising.
3. The Disadvantages of Franchising.
4. What Business Concepts Can Be Franchised?
5. Policies for Successful Franchising.
6. Franchisee Support and Assistance.
7. Territorial Strategies.
8. Pricing Franchises.
9. Successful Franchise Expansion Strategies.
10. The Legal and Institutional Environment for Franchising.
11. Recruiting, Selecting, and Managing Franchisees.