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Students learn what they really need to know so they can get to work with Dreamweaver. Ex.___
Now you can master Dreamweaver 4's powerful Web development features fast by building a complete site that solves today's most common Web design problems! Start with simple examples, then work your way up to sophisticated techniques, learning practical skills you'd otherwise need months, or years, to learn. From Dreamweaver fundamentals to sophisticated site automation and management, you'll learn it herehands-on. As you practice, refer to the companion website where you can download all the files you'll need and discover exactly how your finished pages will look and work!
You'll learn all this, and much more:
All these books share the same great format... so once you've used one, learning from the others is easy.
Building a DHTML Drop Down Menu with Dreamweaver
Building Web Forms with Dreamweaver 4
Debugging JavaScript in Dreamweaver
Guidelines for Designing Web Forms
Getting Familiar with the Dreamweaver Workspace
About the Author.
1. Getting Familiar with the Dreamweaver Workspace.
The Document Window. The Document Window's Status Bar. The Tag Selector. The Window Size Pop-up Menu. The Document Size/Download Time Indicator. The Mini-Launcher. Palettes and Inspectors. The Objects Palette. Viewing or Hiding the Objects Palette. Switching Between Panels. Using Tool Tips to Find Out What Icons Mean. Showing Icons and Text. The Property Inspector. Minimizing and Maximizing the Property Inspector. HTML Code View. The History Palette. Replaying Previous Tasks. Saving Selected Steps as a Command. Replaying a Saved Command. The HTML Styles Palette. The CSS Styles Palette. The Layers Palette. The Behavior Inspector. The Library Palette. Frame Inspector. Templates Palette. Dockable Floating Palettes. The Site Window. Defining Local Information. Site Files View. Site Map View. Displaying Page Titles. Creating New Files and Folders. Opening Existing Files. Saving Files. Renaming Files. Moving Files Between Subdirectories. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Adding Text to a Page. Inserting Special Characters. Aligning Text. Setting the Font Type. Setting the Font Size. Quick Exercise. Making Text Bold. Italicizing Text. Creating Hyperlinks. Using the Property Inspector. Typing the URL in the Property Inspector. Using the Point-to-file Icon. Using the Browse-for-file Icon. The Quick Tag Editor. Specifying a Target. Opening a New Browser Window. Same Frame. Parent Frame. Top-Most Frame. Creating Lists. Unordered Lists. Ordered Lists. Formatting Text with HTML Styles. Applying an Existing HTML Style. Creating a New HTML Style. Removing HTML Styles from Text. Formatting Text with Style Sheets. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Adding Images to a Page. Changing the Alignment of Images. Vertical and Horizontal Spacing. Creating Inline Image Maps. Creating Image Rollovers. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Adding a Page Title. Setting the Background Color. Specifying Text and Link Properties. Adding META Information. META Description. META Keywords. META Refresh. Editing <HEAD> Elements in the Code and Design Views. Setting the Margins of a Page. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Loading a Tracing Image. Adding a Table in Design Mode. Layout View. Drawing Layout Cells. Drawing Multiple Cells in Layout View. Merging Multiple Cells. Splitting Cells. Resizing Tables and Their Columns, Rows, and Cells. Resizing a Table. Selecting a Table. Assigning New Table Values in the Property Inspector. Resizing Rows. Removing a Tracing Image. Adding Background Colors to Table Cells. Collapsing a Cell. Inserting a Graphic in a Cell. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Inserting a Form. Adding a Table to Display Form Elements. Adding and Modifying a Drop-Down Menu. Adding Items to a Drop-Down Menu. Changing the Order of Drop-Down Menu Items. Setting the Initially Selected Item. Assigning a Unique Name to a Form Element. Adding and Modifying Text Fields. Working with Multiline Text Fields. Working with Radio Buttons. Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Radio Button. College/University Radio Button. Working with Checkboxes. Working with Form Buttons. Recap. Advanced Project.
The Different Ways to Add/Edit Code. The Split View. Editing Form Elements in Split View. Adding META Information in Split View. Resizing Split View. Code View. Code Navigation: Quick Access to Functions. The Code Inspector. View Options: Customizing How Code Displays. Word Wrap. Line Numbers. Highlight Invalid HTML. Syntax Coloring. Auto Indent. Using the Reference Panel to Get Coding Help. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Finding and Fixing Syntax Errors. Finding and Fixing Logical Errors. Setting Breakpoints. The JavaScript Debugger Has Limitations. Balance Braces: Isolate Missing Braces in Your Code. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Understanding Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS Selectors, Style Definitions, and Rules. How Styles Are Applied. Inline. Embedded. Linked. Browsers that Support Cascading Styles Sheets. Adding a New Style Sheet. Creating an Embedded Style Sheet. Redefining HTML Tags. Editing an Existing Style. Adding Additional Styles. Duplicating Styles. Removing Styles. Custom Styles (Classes). Creating a Custom Style (Class). Applying a Custom Style (Class). Animate Links with CSS. Working with Linked Stylesheet Files. Linking to an External Style Sheet. Adding a New Style to a Linked Style Sheet. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Understanding Dreamweaver Templates. Creating a Template from Scratch. Creating a Template from an Existing Web Page. Creating Editable Regions. Removing an Editable Region. Applying a Template to an Existing Web Page. Applying a Template to a Basic Document. Applying a Template to a Finished Web Page. Updating the Template File. Automatically Applying Changes to Associated Pages. Working in a Document Based on a Template. Detaching a Document from a Template. Creating a Document Based on a Template. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Library Items vs Server-Side Includes: What's the Difference? What Is a Library Item? Benefits of Library Items. Limitations of Library Items. What Is a Server-Side Include (SSI)? Benefits of SSIs. Limitations of SSIs. Library Items or SSIs: Which One to Use? Working with Library Items. Creating a Library Item. Renaming a Library Item. Inserting a Library Item on a Page. Editing a Library Item. Updating the Web Site after Editing a Library Item. Deleting a Library Item. Using th eFind and Replace Tool. Restoring a Deleted Library Item. Working with Server-Side Includes. Creating an SSI File. Saving a Document as an SSI. Inserting an SSI Directive into a File. Editing an SSI File. Deleting an SSI. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Understanding Layers. CSS-P: How It's Written. The <DIV> or <SPAN> Tag. Z-Index: Now You Have Layers. Units of Measurement for Positioning. Layers Can Be Hidden, Visible, or Animated with DHTML. Before You Get Started. Hiding Invisible Elements. Loading the Tracing Image. Positioning the Tracing Image. Creating Layers. The Logo Layer (1 of 6). The Navigation Layer (2 of 6). The Blueline Layer (3 of 6). The Imagemap Layer (4 of 6). The Dropdown Layer (5 of 6). The Closedropdown Layer (6 of 6). Selecting a Layer. Selecting a Layer Through the Layers Panel. Deleting a Layer. Moving a Layer. Across the Page. Just a Few Pixels. Resizing a Layer. Naming Layers. Setting a Layer's Background Color. Positioning and Sizing Layers with Absolute Precision. Inserting Content into Layers. Collapsing a Layer with a Spacer Image. Inserting Additional Graphics. The Imagemap Layer. The Dropdown Layer. The Closedropdown Layer. The Navigation Layer. Z-Index: Setting the Stacking Order of Layers. Understanding the Z-Index. Changing the Z-Index Through the Layers Panel. Dragging and Dropping Layers. Changing the Z-index Value in the Z Column. Changing the Z-Index Through the Property Inspector. Setting a Layer's Initial Visibility Status. Changing a Layer's Visibility Status in the Layers Panel. Working with Hidden Layers. Working with Forms and Layers. The Jump Menu. Inserting a Jump Menu into a Layer. Deleting Menu Items. Reordering Menu Items. Converting Layers to Tables, and Vice Versa. Layers to Tables. Preventing Overlaps. Tables to Layers. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Behaviors that Ship with Dreamweaver. Actions Work in the Following Browsers. Caveats for Mac Browsers. Caveats for Windows Browsers. Attaching a Behavior. Attaching the Show-Hide Layers Behavior. Step 1: Select the Page Element. Step 2: Choose the Target Browser(s) You Want to Support. Step 3: Selecting an Action. Step 4: Setting the Parameters for the Action. Setting the Event. Modifying an Existing Behavior. Changing the Target Browser(s) of an Existing Behavior. The Check Browser Behavior. The Check Plugin Behavior. The Jump Menu and Jump Menu Go Behaviors. Detaching a Behavior. Modifying Menu Items. The Jump Menu Go Behavior. The Open Browser Window Behavior. Attaching the Open Browser Window Behavior. Understanding Browser Attributes. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Defining a Site. Editing a Site's Definitions. Local Info. Remote Info. FTP. Local/Network. Transferring Files Between the Local Folder and Remote Site. The Site Files View. Connecting to the Remote Site. Put (Files on the Remote Site). Transferring Entire Folders. Get (Files from the Remote Site). Refreshing the Local Folder and Remote Site. Synchronizing the Local Folder and Remote Site. Synchronizing the Whole Site. Preventing Certain Files from Being Synchronized. Synchronizing Only Specific Files. Site Map View. Show Page Titles (Instead of Filenames). Zooming the Site Map View In or Out. Modifying Pages. Deleting Pages. Checking for Broken Links. Checking for Broken Links (and Fixing Them). Storyboarding New Areas. Working in a Team Environment. Checking Files In and Out. Enabling File Check In/Out. Checking a File Out. Checking a File In. Turning Off Read-Only Status. Attaching Design Notes to Documents. Enabling and Disabling Design Notes. Cleaning Up Unused Design Notes Folders. Attaching Design Notes to Documents. Syntax for Tracking Changes. Recap. Advanced Projects.
Dreamweaver Information. Newsgroups.
Accessing the Exchange. Becoming a Member of Browsing Extensions by Category. Downloading an Extension. Installing a Dreamweaver Extension. Turning an Extension On or Off. Deleting an Extension.