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Businesses have come to realize that information resources and technologies are key corporate assets and decisions on these matters need to be made at the highest level in an enterprise (including public sector and not-for-profit organizations). As a result, when new standards come along with the potential for expanding collaborative e-business relationships that open new opportunities, improve cash flow, and reduce costs, business people need to know about them. That is the purpose of the new book, ebXML: the New Global Standard for doing Business On the Internet. The book describes this new set of specifications not only in terms of the technology, but also in terms of their impact on the way business really work.
Most of the larger enterprises in the world have done e-business for as long as 20 years, using a technology called electronic data interchange or EDI. While these larger companies have benefited from EDI, smaller companies rarely can afford the software or the internal management EDI requires. EbXML however, takes advantage of advances in Internet technologies and the large installed base of Internet-connected systems, to encourage the development of low-priced, plug-and-play solutions that many smaller companies can afford.
The book outlines the demanding and changing business conditions that make collaborative e-business imperative for growing numbers of companies, and show how ebXML is designed to meet these conditions. It offers an executive-level overview giving the ebXML specifications in a nutshell and scenarios of how ebXML can work in practice. The book then provides fuller descriptions of ebXMLs business requirements, XML, earlier work involving XML for business data exchange, related web services specifications, and more details of the ebXML technical architecture.
ebXML: the New Global Standard for doing Business On the Internet is the first book on ebXML, and the only extended work so far, either print or electronic, written for business managers. The technical documentation provides specific guidance for systems developers, but it is the business people who make the fundamental business decisions on using technology strategically, and this book addresses those concerns.
ebXML: The New Spin on Old Ways that Make E-business Work
There’s No Business Like E-Business
What Is XML and Is It Ready for Business?
Click below for Sample Chapter related to this title:
1. There's No Business Like E-Business.In Case You Hadn't Noticed, Doing Business Is Different Now. From Just-in-Case to Just-in-Time Inventories. Investors Want to See Your Internet Strategy. Higher Volumes, Larger Scale, Bigger Numbers. Can Your Company's Systems Keep Pace? Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): E-Business as We (Used to) Know It. Endnotes.
2. ebXML in a Nutshell.Vision and Scope. Software Processes, Puzzles, and Pyramids. ebXML Process Flow. A Look at the ebXML Technical Architecture. Messaging Functions. Getting Started with ebXML. Endnotes.
3. ebXML at Work.Case 1: Go-Go Travel, in Search of a New Business Model-and Survival. Case 2: Marathoner, a Runners' Store That Goes the Distance on Inventory Control. Case 3: World Beat, a Direct-Mail Catalog Company Using the Web to Compete with the Web. Conclusions About ebXML at Work. Endnotes.
4. The Promise of XML.What Is XML? Building XML Messages from Processes to Data. Is XML Ready for Business? Endnotes.
5. The Road Toward ebXML.The XML/edi Group. EDI: Still Important After All These Years. Describing Business Processes with the Unified Modeling Language (UML). ebXML Founding Organizations and Process. Endnotes.
6. Business Requirements for ebXML.Basic Goals and Scope. General Principles and Business Requirements. Interoperability. Legal and Security Requirements. Accommodating the Human Element. Globalization. Openness. From Requirements to Specifications. Endnotes.
7. ebXML and Similar Web Services—Specifications.Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI). Web Services Description Language. BizTalk. Endnotes.
8. ebXML Technical Architecture.Business Process Specifications. Registries and Repositories. Trading Partner Profiles and Agreements. Message Services. Core Components. Starting a Company's ebXML Operations. Endnotes.
9. Moving from Theory to Practice.Of Catalogs and Suppliers. Uncle Sam Likes Small Businesses. How Does the CatXML Approach Relate to ebXML? And Now for the XMLin CatXML. Columbus, Registries, and Helping Discover the World. Deployment Considerations and Benefits. Delivering on the ebXML Promise.
Appendix A. Acronyms.Acronyms Used in This Book. XML and E-Business Acronyms.
Appendix B. References.ebXML Technical Specifications. ebXML Technical Reports and Reference Materials. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Documents. EDI Standards. Books. Articles. Web Sites.