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With more than 500 million users and growing, the Nokia Series 40 is the mostpopular line of smart phones in the world. Java is the key enabling technologyon the Nokia Developer Platform for Series 40. The success of Series 40devices gives Java developers a golden opportunity to reach out to hundreds ofmillions of paying customers.This book targets Java developers. It teaches developers how to choose thebest combination of technologies to deliver content and applications. It getsdevelopers started with mobile development using Nokia tools quickly. Then, itintroduces important mobile design patterns and development best practicesusing real world example applications known as the Nokia ApplicationBlueprints. The books covers J2ME, the WAP browser, Multimedia MessagingServices, and the Symbian C++ native client (This book provides a Symbianintroduction from a Java developer's perspective).
Introducing Nokia Developer Platforms
The Basics of the MMAPI for Java Developers
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Chapter related to this title.
1. Mobility Explained.
2. Introducing Nokia Developer Platforms.
3. Getting Started.
4. MIDP User Interface.
5. Developing Action Games.
6. Handling Application Data.
7. Data Connectivity.
8. Wireless Messaging.
9. Multimedia.
10. The Bluetooth API.
11. End-to-End Design Patterns.
12. Developing Scalable Applications.
13. Debugging and Testing.
14. Multimedia Messaging Service.
15. Browser Applications.
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file related to this title.