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“In this book, David Linthicum does that rarest of things: he manages to combine showing why SOA and Cloud Computing complement one another with a lucid game plan of how a business can take advantage of the synergies between them in concrete ways that will contribute to the bottom line.”
—Jeremy Geelan
Conference Chair, Cloud Computing Conference and Expo series
Sr. VP, SYS-CON Media and Events
Massive, disruptive change is coming to IT as Software as a Service (SaaS), SOA, mashups, Web 2.0, and cloud computing truly come of age. Now, one of the world’s leading IT innovators explains what it all means—coherently, thoroughly, and authoritatively.
Writing for IT executives, architects, and developers alike, world-renowned expert David S. Linthicum explains why the days of managing IT organizations as private fortresses will rapidly disappear as IT inevitably becomes a global community. He demonstrates how to run IT when critical elements of customer, product, and business data and processes extend far beyond the firewall—and how to use all that information to deliver real-time answers about everything from an individual customer’s credit to the location of a specific cargo container.
Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise offers a clear-eyed assessment of the challenges associated with this new world—and offers a step-by-step program for getting there with maximum return on investment and minimum risk. Using multiple examples, Linthicum:
Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence: Where We Are, How We Got Here, and How to Fix It
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 1 and Index)
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xxi
About the Author xxiii
Chapter 1: Where We Are, How We Got Here, and How to Fix It 1
How Things Got Off Track 2
SOA to the Rescue? 4
What the Heck Is SOA, and Why Should I Care? 5
SOA Meets Cloud Computing 7
Defining Cloud Computing 9
The Components of Cloud Computing 11
The Dream Team of Cloud Computing and SOA 14
What SOA Can Learn from Cloud Computing 15
What Cloud Computing Can Learn from SOA 16
Making the Leap 17
Being Positively Disruptive 18
Chapter 2: Reaching for the Clouds 21
Diving Deeper into Cloud Computing 22
What’s New in the Clouds? 25
The Potential Value of the Clouds 28
Cloud Computing Benefits and Drawbacks 28
When the Cloud Fits 33
Doing Something Different 35
Chapter 3: Defining the Clouds for the Enterprise 37
Storage-as-a-Service 39
Database-as-a-Service 41
Information-as-a-Service 43
Process-as-a-Service 48
Application-as-a-Service 51
Platform-as-a-Service 53
Integration-as-a-Service 55
Security-as-a-Service 56
Management/Governance-as-a-Service 57
Testing-as-a-Service 57
Infrastructure-as-a-Service 58
Next Steps 58
Chapter 4: Making the Business Case for Clouds 61
Defining the Holistic Value 62
It Is All about the Business 79
Chapter 5: Working from Your Data to the Clouds 81
Old or New? 82
Data First 84
Selecting a Problem Domain 87
Defining the Information Model 87
Building the Information Model 103
Importance of Data with SOA Using Cloud Computing 105
Chapter 6: Working from Your Services to the Clouds 107
Services Provide the Moving Parts 112
What Is a Service? 116
Understanding Coupling for the Clouds 118
Are You Loosely Coupled? 120
Defining Metaservices 121
Creating the Services Directory 122
The Need for a Service-Level Understanding 126
Chapter 7: Working from Your Processes to the Clouds 127
What Is BPM? 128
Bringing Process to the Clouds 131
Defining Processes 133
SOA, Agility, and Processes 136
Value of BPM for the Clouds 139
Drilling Down on BPM 142
BPM and Cloud Computing 143
Chapter 8: Bringing Governance to the Clouds 145
People and Processes 148
Governance for the Clouds 149
Creating the Governance Model 153
Governance Technology 158
The Value of Service Governance 160
Chapter 9: Testing from SOA to the Clouds 163
Why We Need a New Take on Testing 164
Testing from the Enterprise to the Clouds and Back 165
Creating a Test Plan 173
Black Box Cloud Testing 174
Testing Is Important 177
Chapter 10: Defining Candidate Data, Services, and Processes for the Clouds 179
Where Are the Applications? 180
When Cloud Computing Fits 184
When the Applications and/or Services Are New 193
Jumping to the Clouds 194
Chapter 11: Making the Move to Cloud Computing 197
Selecting Platforms 198
The Process of Moving to the Clouds 203
Analyze and Test Candidate Platforms 209
Select Target Platforms 210
Deploy to Target Platforms 211
What about Private Clouds? 213
New “Cloudy” Platforms 215
Chapter 12: Moving Onward 217
Index 231