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BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 Kick Start shows you how to make J2EE programming easier, providing the fastest path to productivity with BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1. The authors show how Workshop leverages the power of BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1, including WebLogic Server, WebLogic Portal, and WebLogic Integration.
With BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 Kick Start, you'll learn to build J2EE applications and see how each concept works within a real-world online casino application developed over the course of the book. You'll see how Workshop 8.1 facilitates every step of the development process, from design to deployment. The authors' expert insights and tips, along with dozens of practical examples that you can put to use immediately, will have you up and running at full speed in nothing flat.
The included CD-ROM contains the Developer's Edition of BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 (including WebLogic Workshop 8.1) and all the sample code and examples, with a complete version of the casino application developed over the course of the book. In addition you can view the entire book in searchable electronic form.
Beginning SOA Using BEA WebLogic Workshop
Configuring SSL on BEA WebLogic Server 8.1
WebLogic Workshop Application Development Basics
WebLogic Workshop Application Development Basics
1. WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Platform, and the J2EE Landscape.
Web Applications and the J2EE Landscape. What Is WebLogic Workshop? WebLogic Workshop and J2EE. Creating a Sample Workshop Application with WebLogic Platform. In Brief.
Overview of the WebLogic Workshop Window Layout. Working with WebLogic Workshop Applications. Visual Component Development. Code-level Development. Building and Running Applications. Debugging Applications. In Brief.
WebLogic Workshop Programming Basics. Creating Applications and Projects. Deploying and Configuring Applications. In Brief.
Creating Page Flow Applications with WebLogic Workshop. Data Binding with Page Flow. Passing Data with Form Beans. In Brief.
Debugging Applications in Workshop. Setting Debugging Properties for a Project. Working with Breakpoints. Debugging Applications. Using Debugging Commands. Debugging Windows. In Brief.
Control Concepts. Using Existing Controls. Rowset and Database Controls. In Brief.
NetUI HTML Tags. Presenting Complex Data Sets in JSPs. Providing a Common Look and Feel in JSPs. Nested Page Flows. In Brief.
Control Life Cycle. Control Events. Controls and Transactions. Control Projects and Packaging. Building and Using EJB Controls. Comparing Controls, EJBs, and JavaBeans. In Brief.
Web Services Concepts. Understanding SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI and Their Place in WebLogic Workshop. Developing Web Services. Conversations. Web Service Security. In Brief.
Representing Data with XML. Accessing and Manipulating XML Data with XML Beans. Navigating Through XML Data with XPath and XQuery. Transforming XML Data. In Brief.
Introduction to the Business Management Process. Introduction to Workflows. Developing Basic JPDs. Using Message Brokers. Integrating with Controls. In Brief.
Introduction to Portal Applications. Creating Portal Applications. Surfacing Applications with Portlets. Portal Look and Feel. In Brief.
Inter-portlet Communication. Personalizing Portlets. Controlling Portlet State. In Brief.
The Need for Security in the Enterprise. Secure Socket Layer Communications. Declarative Role-based Security. In Brief.
Building the Infrastructure for the Production Environment. Creating a Production Domain. Starting a Server in Production Mode. Preparing Applications for a Production Environment. Creating Necessary Resources in Production. Deploying Applications to the Production Server. In Brief.