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Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 on Demand

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Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 on Demand


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  • Copyright 2009
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-7897-3931-3
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-3931-5

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 on Demand

What you need, when you need it!

Need answers quickly? Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.

Inside the Book

• Browse, organize, and process files using the Organizer

• Easily find and vie w just the photos and video clips you want to see

• Whiten teeth, deepen a blue sky, and more with a single click using the new Smart Brush

• Use auto controls to quickly fix a photo

• Use Guided Edit to walk you step by step through the editing process

• Use more precise color correction to enhance a photo

• Easily brush away wrinkles and other unwanted photo results

• Use image trickery and special effects to change or enhance a photo

• Use themes and artwork to liven up your photo projects

• Create perfect group shots, seamless panoramas, tourist-less landscapes, and more

Bonus Online Content

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• Workshops and related files

• Keyboard shortcuts

Visit the author site: perspection.com



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Sample Content

Online Sample Chapter

Importing Photos into the Organizer in Adobe Photoshop Elements

Sample Pages

Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 3 and Index)

Table of Contents

Introduction    xvii

1    Getting Started with Photoshop Elements 7    1

Installing Photoshop Elements    2

Launching Photoshop Elements    4

Using the Welcome Screen    5

Viewing the Workspaces    6 New!

Choosing Commands    8

Switching Between the Organizer and Editor    9

Working with the Task Pane in the Organizer    10

Working with Bins in the Editor    11

Working with Palettes    12

Moving Palettes    14

Working with Editor Tools    16

Undoing and Redoing an Action    18

Getting Online Information    19

Getting Help While You Work    20 New!

Checking for Updates and Patches    22

Exiting Photoshop Elements    24

2    Customizing the Way You Work in the Organizer    25

Setting General Photo Browser Preferences    26 New!

Modifying Files Preferences    28

Setting Folder Location View Preferences    30

Setting Editing Preferences    31

Setting Camera or Card Reader Preferences    32

Setting Scanner Preferences    34

Setting Date View Preferences    35

Setting Keyword Tags and Albums Preferences    36

Setting E-mail Sharing Preferences    37

Setting Adobe Partner Services Preferences    38

3    Importing Photos into the Organizer    41

Specifying Watched Folders    42

Importing Tags Attached to Photos    44

Getting Photos from Files and Folders    46

Getting Photos by Searching    48

Getting Photos from a CD or DVD    49

Getting Photos from a Camera or Card Reader    50

Getting Photos from a Scanner    52

Getting Photos from a Mobile Phone    53

Getting Photos from a Video in the Editor    54

Adding Photos to the Organizer from the Editor    55

Creating and Opening a Catalog    56

Managing Catalogs    58

Moving Files in a Catalog    59

Deleting Files from a Catalog    60

Backing Up a Catalog    61

Restoring a Catalog Backup    62

4    Viewing Photos in the Organizer    63

Viewing Photos in the Photo Browser    64

Viewing Photos by Folder Location    66

Viewing Specific Files in the Photo Browser    68

Viewing Video Clips in the Photo Browser    70

Selecting Photos in the Photo Browser    71

Viewing Photos in Full Screen View    72

Viewing Photos in Side by Side View    74

Using the Control Bar    75

Viewing and Finding Photos in Date View    76

Viewing Photos in Map View    78

5    Finding Photos in the Organizer    81

Using the Keyword Tags Palette    82

Creating a Keyword Tag    83

Working with Categories or Sub-Categories    84

Finding Faces for Keyword Tagging    86

Attaching Keyword Tags to Photos    87

Attaching Keyword Tags Using Folder Names    88

Removing Keyword Tags from Photos    89

Searching for Photos by Keyword Tags    90

Searching for Photos Using the Find Bar    91

Finding Photos Using the Find Menu    92

Finding Photos by Metadata Details    94

Finding Photos by Searching for Text    96 New!

Finding Photos Using the Timeline    97

Finding Photos with Star Ratings    98

6    Working with Photos in the Organizer    99

Using the Albums Palette    100

Creating an Album    101

Creating an Album Group    102

Adding Photos to an Album    103

Creating and Editing a Smart Album    104

Working with Albums and Album Groups    106

Fixing Photos Using Auto Smart Fix    108

Correcting Color Photos with Auto Color    109

Correcting Exposures with Auto Levels    110

Improving Contrast with Auto Contrast    111

Sharpening Photos with Auto Sharpen    112

Removing Red Eye with Auto Red Eye Fix    113

Cropping Photos    114

Rotating Photos    115

Stacking and Unstacking Photos    116

Working with Stacks    118

Working with Version Sets    120

Changing the Date and Time of Files    122

7    Working with Photos in the Editor    123

Creating a New File    124

Selecting Color Modes and Resolution    125

Creating a New File Using Presets    126 New!

Opening a File    127

Opening a PDF File    128

Inserting Images in a File    129

Opening Raw Files from a Digital Camera    130 New!

Working with Open Files    132

Processing Multiple Files    134

Changing Image Size and Resolution    136

Using Full Edit and Quick Fix    138 New!

Using Guided Edit    140 New!

Attaching Information to a File    142

Saving a File    144

Reverting to the Last Saved Version    146

Understanding File Formats    147

Understanding File Compression    148

Closing a File    150

8    Navigating and Using the Editor    151

Changing the View Size with the Navigator Palette    152

Changing the View Area with the Navigator Palette    153

Changing the Color of the Navigator Palette View Box    154

Changing the View    155

Changing the View with the Zoom Tool    156

Increasing or Decreasing Magnification    158

Moving Images in the Document Window    159

Working with One Image in Multiple Windows    160

Moving Layers Between Two Open Documents    162

Working with the Info Palette    163

Changing How the Info Palette Measures Color    164

Working with Rulers    165

Examining the Undo History Palette    166

Using the Undo History Palette    167

Undoing and Redoing with the Undo History Palette    168

Clearing Memory and the Undo History Palette    170

Using the Status Bar    171

Working with Guides    172

Viewing Notes    173

Listening to an Audio Annotation    174

9    Mastering the Art of Selection    175

Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool    176

Using the Elliptical Marquee Tool    177

Using the Lasso Marquee Tool    178

Using the Magnetic Lasso Tool    180

Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool    182

Using the Quick Selection Tool    183

Using the Magic Wand Tool    184

Using the Selection Brush Tool    185

Using the Magic Extractor    186

Refining a Selection Edge    188

Modifying an Existing Selection    189

Changing an Existing Selection    190

Adding, Subtracting, and Cropping a Selection    192

Saving Selections    194

Loading and Deleting Saved Selections    196

Copying and Pasting Selections    198

Moving Selections    200

10    Working with Layers    201

Understanding the Layers Palette    202

Defining Layer Designations and Attributes    203

Creating a New Layer    204

Selecting Layers    206

Creating a Selection from a Layer    207

Creating a Layer from a Selection    208

Simplifying a Layer    209

Converting a Background into a Layer    210

Working with Layers Using the Layers Palette    212

Stacking and Moving Layers    214

Moving Layers Between Documents    215

Using Merge Layer Options    216

Linking and Unlinking Layers    217

Deleting Layers    218

Duplicating a Layer    219

Working with Layer Blending Modes    220

Creating a Clipping Layer Group    221

Using Adjustment and Fill Layers    222

Creating an Adjustment Layer    223

Creating a Fill Layer    224

Changing Fill or Adjustment Layer Content    225

Modifying a Fill or Adjustment Layer    226

Deleting a Fill or Adjustment Layer    227

Using Blending Modes with Fill or Adjustment Layers    228

Merging Fill or Adjustment Layers    230

Creating a Temporary Composite Image    231

Using Masks with Adjustment Layers    232

Creating Masks with Selection    233

Setting Layers Palette Options    234

11    Adjusting and Correcting Color    235

Working with Color Modes and Depth    236

Understanding the RGB Color Mode    237

Understanding the Grayscale Color Mode    238

Understanding the Bitmap Color Mode    239

Understanding the Indexed Color Mode    240

Using the Color Swatches Palette    242

Creating Custom Color Swatches    244

Working with Strokes and Fills    246

Using Automatic Lighting and Color Commands    248

Working with the Histogram Palette    249

Controlling Tonal Range with Levels    250

Using the Shadows/Highlights Adjustment    252

Using the Brightness/Contrast Adjustment    253

Using the Color Curves Adjustment    254

Using the Hue/Saturation Adjustment    255

Using the Replace Color Adjustment    256

Using the Color Variations Adjustment    257

Using the Remove Color Cast Adjustment    258

Adjusting Color for Skin Tone    259

Using the Gradient Map Adjustment    260

Using the Photo Filter Adjustment    261

Using the Invert and Equalize Commands    262

Using the Threshold and Posterize Adjustments    263

Using the Black and White Adjustment    264

12    Using Transformation and Retouching Tools    265

Using Free Transform and Transform    266

Using    3D Transform    268

Resizing an Image to Scale    270

Using the Cookie Cutter Tool    271

Using Straighten and Crop    272

Using Rotate and Flip    274

Correcting Camera Distortion    276

Using the Adjust Sharpness Filter    278

Using the Sharpen Tool    279

Using the Unsharp Mask Filter    280

Using the Blur Tool    281

Using the Clone Stamp Tool    282

Using the Dodge and Burn Tools    283

Using the Sponge Tool    284

Using the Healing Brush Tool    285

Working with the Spot Healing Brush    286

Working with the Red Eye Tool    287

Retouching with the Smart Brush    288 New!

Working with the Detail Smart Brush    289 New!

13    Using the Paint, Shape Drawing, and Eraser Tools    291

Understanding Foreground and Background Colors    292

Viewing the Brushes Palette    294

Changing the Brushes Palette View    295

Selecting Brush Tips    296

Creating Custom Brush Tips    297

Modifying or Deleting Brush Tips    298

Creating Custom Brush Tip Sets    300

Working with the Brush and Airbrush Tools    302

Setting Dynamic Brush Options    303

Working with the Pencil Tool    304

Working with Auto Erase    305

Working with the Impressionist and Smudge Tools    306

Using the Paint Bucket Tool    308

Using the Pattern Stamp Tool    309

Working with the Eraser Tools    310

Working with the Magic Eraser Tool    312

Creating and Applying Gradients    313

Creating Custom Gradients    314

Using the Color Replacement Tool    316

Creating Shapes in a Layer    317

Selecting and Moving Shapes    318

Working with the Line Tool    319

Using the Standard Shape Tool    320

Working with the Custom Shape Tool    322

14    Working with Layer Styles and Photo Effects    323

Exploring Layer Styles    324 New!

Applying Layer Styles    325

Working with Layer Styles    326

Changing Drop Shadow Style Settings    328

Changing Bevel Style Settings    330

Change Inner and Outer Glow Style Settings    332

Changing Stroke Style Settings    334

Exploring Photo Effects    335 New!

Applying Photo Effects    336

Using the Content Palette    337 New!

Adding Stylized Shapes or Graphics    338

Adding a Stylized Frame or Theme    340

Adding Stylized Text    341

Adding Styles and Effects to Favorites    342

15    Manipulating Images with Filters    343

Working with the Filter Gallery    344

Applying Multiple Filters to an Image    346

Controlling Filters Using a Selection    347

Blending Modes and Filter Effects    348

Using the Color Halftone Pixelate Filter    349

Modifying Images with the Liquify Filter    350

Working with Liquify Filter Options    352

Using the Lighting Effects Filter    353

Using Blur Filters    354

Using the Gaussian Blur Filter    356

Applying the Surface Blue Filter    357 New!

Using the Add Noise Filter    358

Using the Reduce Noise Filter    359

Viewing Various Filter Effects    360

16    Getting Creative with Type    363

Using Standard Type Tools    364

Editing Type    366

Working with Asian Type    367

Working with Type Options    368

Using the Warp Text Option    370

Setting the Anti-Aliasing Type Option    372

Creating a Type Mask    373

Isolating Image Pixels Using a Type Mask    374

Creating Chiseled Type with a Type Mask    376

Applying a Gradient Fill to Text    378

17    Saving Photos for the Web and Other Devices    379

Saving for the Web    380

Working with Save for Web Options    382

Working with Transparency and Mattes    384

Working with Dithering    386

Working with Web File Formats    388

Optimizing a JPEG Document    390

Optimizing a GIF Document    392

Optimizing a PNG-8 Document    394

Optimizing a PNG-24 Document    396

Optimizing an Image to File Size    397

Creating an Animated GIF    398

Previewing an Image in a Web Browser    400

Preparing Clipart for the Web    402

Preparing a Photo for the Web    404

Preparing an Image for the Inkjet or Laser Printer    406

Understanding Monitor, Image, and Device Resolution    408

18    Making Specialty Projects    409

Finding and Opening Projects    410

Saving a Project    411

Making a Photo Book    412

Making a Photo Calendar    414

Making a Photo Collage    415

Creating Labels and Jackets    416

Creating Greeting Cards    417

Creating an Online Album    418 New!

Creating a Flipbook    420

Creating a Slide Show    421

Setting Slide Show Preferences    422

Working with Content in a Slide Show    424

Editing a Slide Show    425

Adding Effects to a Slide Show    426

Adding Extras to a Slide Show    428

Publishing a Slide Show    430

Creating a VCD with a Menu of Slide Shows    432

Using Photomerge Faces    434

Using Photomerge Group Shot    436

Using Photomerge Panorama    438

Using Photomerge Scene Cleaner    440 New!

Keeping Proper Perspective with Vanishing Point    442

Resizing and Rotating Project Photos    444

Editing Photo Projects in Photoshop CS3    445

19    Printing and Sharing Photos    447

Working with Page Setup    448

Setting Measurement Units for Printing    449

Printing in the Organizer    450

Using More Print Options in the Organizer    452

Printing in the Editor    454

Setting Print Output Options    456

Choosing Color Setting    457

Setting Print Color Management Options    458

Printing a Document    460

Printing Multiple Layers    461

Using the Sharing Center    462

Sending Files in E-mail    463

Sending Files in Photo Mail    464

Sending Files to a Mobile Phone    465

Using the Contact Book    466

Making a CD or DVD with Files    468

Making a PDF Slide Show    469

Exporting Files    470

Copying or Moving Files to a Disk    471

Using Photos as Desktop Wallpaper    472

20    Customizing the Way You Work in the Editor    473

Optimizing Photoshop Elements    474

Setting General Preferences    476 New!

Modifying Saving Files Preferences    478

Setting File Associations    480

Selecting Scratch Disks    481

Allocating Memory & Image Cache    482

Setting Undo History Preferences    484

Setting Display & Cursors Preferences    486

Setting Units & Rulers Preferences    488

Working with the Grid    490

Controlling Transparency Preferences    492

Setting Type Preferences    493

Selecting Plug-Ins    494

Managing Libraries with the Preset Manager    496

Using Drawing Tablets    498

Workshop: Putting It All Together    499

New Features    515 New!

Keyboard Shortcuts    517

Index    527



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