The Addison-Wesley Information Technology Series

The Addison-Wesley Information Technology Series explores the dynamic relationship between information technology concerns and enterprise software solutions. The series focuses on the business implications that emerging technologies have on the entire enterprise. The goal of each book in the Addison-Wesley Information Technology Series is to provide practical coverage of any and all topics which affect the IT community. The series will illustrate and explore how information technology can be aligned with business practices to achieve business goals and support business imperatives.

Series Editors:

Capers Jones is a leading author and speaker on software productivity and measurement, as well as the acknowledged expert on the economic impact of the year 2000 software problem. He is a frequent speaker at software engineering conferences. Formerly a senior researcher at IBM's Santa Teresa software laboratory and Assistant Director of Applied Technology at the ITT Programming Technology Center, Jones is Chairman and Founder of Software Productivity Research. He is also a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG).

David S. Linthicum is an internationally known application integration and e-Business enablement expert. David has developed many of the ideas for modern distributed computing, including EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) and B2B application integration approaches and technology in wide use today. In addition, David is the author of more than 300 articles for major computing publications, and writes monthly columns for several popular industry magazines. David has authored or coauthored six books, including David Linthicum's Guide to Client/Server and Intranet Development (Wiley, 1997) and the groundbreaking Enterprise Application Integration (AddisonWesley, 2000). David is a keynote speaker at many leading technology conferences.

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