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Gary Rebholz

Gary Rebholz works as a Training and Development Specialist for Sonic Foundry where, for the past three years, he has created training materials and programs for employees as well as customers. Gary has been involved with training in the graphics and creative arts fields for more than 10 years. He has also been involved with audio production and music since he started a personal vendetta against disco in the late 1970s. This is Gary's third book for Sams Publishing.

His other titles are How to Use Flash 5 (with Denise Tyler), and How to Use HTML and XHTML. Gary lives a quiet life in a small rural Wisconsin town when he's not snatching sharp objects out of his toddler's mouth or trying to determine the whereabouts of his teenagers.

Currently the Director of Training and Consulting Services at Sonic Foundry in Madison, Wisconsin, Michael Bryant has been helping people unlock the secrets of ACID Pro and other Sonic Foundry products for more than two years. He has been involved in education of one kind or another for more than 25 years. He has taught students at all levels: from sixth grade to college-level classes as well as adult technical education programs. Along with his career in education, he has spent more than 18 years in the audio and video production industry. He first joined the digital audio revolution in the late 80s while operating a recording studio. As soon as he learned about the power and ease with which you can work with audio in the digital domain, he quickly traded in his razor blade for a mouse.