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Daniel J. Tearpock was a noted scientist, author, and entrepreneur. He was chairman and chief executive officer of Subsurface Consultants & Associates LLC (SCA), the industry leader in worldwide upstream petroleum consultancy and training. As a working geoscientist, he generated numerous exploration and exploitation prospects, either on his own or as part of an organized team. As a company, SCA has helped clients find or develop billions of barrels of oil equivalent. He was also coauthor of Quick Look Techniques for Prospect Evaluation.
Richard E. Bischke, Ph.D., is the former chief structural geophysicist of SCA LLC. He has conducted a wide range of structural geology projects, seismic interpretation, and balancing studies in extensional, compressional, and strike-slip environments. He works primarily on worldwide projects for major oil companies and large independents. He is a 3D-workstation geophysicist specializing in the interpretation of and prospect generation within complexly deformed structures, including salt-related structures. Dr. Bischke was an associate professor of geology and geophysics at Temple University (1973-1982) and an adjunct professor of engineering at Drexel University.
James Brenneke is retired geology discipline lead for Gulf of Mexico Production for BP. Prior to that, he was consulting geoscientist, technical manager, VP of geology and engineering, and treasurer for SCA LLC. He has worked onshore and offshore in the US and in numerous foreign countries. Jim has contributed to numerous exploration discoveries, field extensions, and development wells in his 40 years in the industry.
David C. Metzner is founder of Crossroads Geoscience Solutions LLC, a consulting company based in Emory, Texas. Formerly, he held various positions at Pioneer Natural Resources, Placid Oil, Arco Oil and Gas, SCA LLC, EOG Resources, and Ancana. He has been a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists since 1982.