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Raffael Marty

Raffael Marty is Chief Security Strategist and Senior Product Manager for Splunk, the leading provider of large-scale, high-speed indexing and search technology for IT infrastructures. As customer advocate and guardian, he focuses on using his skills in data visualization, log management, intrusion detection, and compliance. An active participant on industry standards committees such as CEE (Common Event Expression) and OVAL (Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language),Marty created the Thor and AfterGlow automation tools and founded the security visualization portal secviz.org. Raffy’s passion for security visualization is evident in the many presentations he gives at conferences around the world. Prior to writing Applied Security Visualization, he contributed to a number of books on security and visualization. Before joining Splunk, Raffy managed the solutions team at ArcSight, served as IT security consultant for PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and was a member of the IBM Research Global Security Analysis Lab.