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Stuart L. Hart is the Samuel C. Johnson Chair in Sustainable Global Enterprise and Professor of Management at Cornell University’s Johnson School of Management. He also serves as Distinguished Fellow at the William Davidson Institute (University of Michigan) and is Founder and President of Enterprise for a Sustainable World. Hart is one of the world’s top authorities on the implications of environment and poverty for business strategy. He has published more than 70 papers and authored or edited seven books with over 5,000 Google Scholar citations in all. His article “Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World” won the McKinsey Award for Best Article in the Harvard Business Review for 1997 and helped launch the movement for corporate sustainability. C.K. Prahalad was Paul and Ruth McCracken Distinguished University Professor of Strategy at the University of Michigan Business School. He was a globally recognized business consultant who has worked with senior management at many of the world’s top companies. His groundbreaking article The End of Corporate Imperialism, won the 1998 McKinsey Prize as the year’s best Harvard Business Review article. With Professor Stuart L. Hart, he co-authored a seminal working paper The Strategies for the Bottom of the Pyramid, which provided the first articulation of how business could profitably serve the needs of the four billion poor in the developing world. Prahalad was named the most influential management thinker alive by Thinkers 50 in 2007 and 2009.