Raul F. Chong is a DB2 information developer with the Application Development Solutions team at the IBM Toronto Lab. He is responsible for developing sample programs and DB2 documentation for Web Services and CLI.
Clara Liu is a database consultant at the IBM Toronto Lab. She works with a variety of IBM partners and customers on projects utilizing DB2 Universal Database.
Sylvia F. Qi has worked with DB2 UDB as a DB2 service analyst for IBM since 1999. A contributing author to IBM developerWorks®, she has in-depth knowledge of the DB2 engine, connectivity, and administration.
Dwaine R. Snow is a senior product manager for DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. He has worked with DB2 UDB for the past fourteen years as part of the development team focusing on the database engine and tools, and the development of the DB2 Certification program.