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Founded in 1963, the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) is the preeminent worldwide professional association dedicated to advancing and disseminating research and knowledge on supply chain management. With more than 8,500 members representing nearly all industry sectors, government, and academia from 67 countries, CSCMP members are leading practitioners and authorities in the fields of logistics and supply chain management.
Robert Frankel is Richard deRaismes Kip Professor of Marketing and Logistics at University of North Florida. A Fulbright Scholar, his research on supply chain management, international marketing, and pedagogy has been published in leading academic journals worldwide. Brian J. Gibson holds the Wilson Family Professorship in Supply Chain Management at Auburn University. He is coauthor of 100+ articles, the annual State of the Retail Supply Chain Report, the Supply Chain Essentials video series, and two leading textbooks. Joe B. Hanna is Associate Dean and Regions Bank Professor of Supply Chain Management at Auburn University. He has published 60+ articles, and has consulted with clients ranging from Pratt and Whitney to Hyundai. Cliff Defee, EBSCO Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at Auburn, has co-authored Best Papers of the Year in Journal of Business Logistics and Transportation Journal, and co-authors the annual State of the Retail Supply Chain Report. He co-founded PFSweb and was its COO for six years. Haozhe Chen is Associate Professor of Marketing and Supply Chain Management in the College of Business at East Carolina University. His interests include reverse logistics, supply chain integration, supply chain relationships, and international logistics (especially involving China). Nada Sanders is Iacocca Chair and Professor of Supply Chain Management at Lehigh University. An internationally recognized expert and consultant on business forecasting and supply chain management, she is author of 100+ scholarly publications. Scott B. Keller, professor of logistics and marketing at the University of West Florida, has taught at Penn State and Michigan State. The co-editor of the International Journal of Logistics Management, he has extensive managerial experience in warehousing, motor carrier operations, and ocean freight terminal operations. Brian C. Keller, an independent consultant since 2006, supports commercial firms as well as government entities including DARPA and the Defense Science Board. He led GMA Cover Corporation; as VP for Stewart and Stevenson, was responsible for the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle (FMTV) A1R program. An alumni of Harvard Business School, he completed a 21-year military career as a logistician, Lieutenant Colonel, and Army Product Manager. Wendy L. Tate is Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management in the University of Tennessee Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management. Her research interests include the cost impacts of supply chain decisions, especially decisions about services purchasing and environmental practices. Thomas J. Goldsby, Professor of Logistics at The Ohio State University, speaks frequently at academic conferences, executive education seminars, and professional meetings worldwide. Co-author of Lean Six Sigma Logistics, he is Associate Director of the Center for Operational Excellence, research associate of the Global Supply Chain Forum, and Research Fellow of the National Center for the Middle Market. Deepak Iyengar is Assistant Professor at Central Washington University, Ellensburg in the Department of Supply Chain Management. His work on logistics and supply chain sustainability has been published in leading journals including The Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, and Transportation Journal. Shashank Rao is Jim W. Thompson Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management at Auburn. His research interests focus on retailing, order fulfillment, and logistics customer service. He serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Business Logistics, the Journal of Supply Chain Management, and the Journal of Operations Management, and conducts hands-on training on key supply chain technologies. Stanley E. Fawcett is John B. Goddard Endowed Chair in Global Supply Chain Management at Weber State University. An innovative, award-winning teacher, he has taught academic and executive programs worldwide, and published 130+ articles and six books on supply chain topics. He is co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Business Logistics. Amydee M. Fawcett is Assistant Professor of SCM in the John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics at Weber State University. Her research explores the dynamics of effective collaboration in diverse settings, including collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR). She has coauthored ten articles, including two Best Paper award winners. Matthew A. Waller is Garrison Endowed Chair in Supply Chain Management, Chair of the Department of Supply Chain Management, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas. He is also Chief Data Scientist at Orchestro and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Logistics, the discipline's leading academic journal. Terry L. Esper is Oren Harris Endowed Chair of Logistics and Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas. He is also Executive Director of the Walton College Supply Chain Management Research Center, and a member of CSCMP's Education Strategies Committee. Dr. Mark A. Moon is Associate Professor of Marketing and Head of the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management at University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He has consulted on sales forecasting and supply chain strategy with leading firms including AlliedSignal, Bacardi USA, Conagra Exxon, Hershey Foods, Johnson and Johnson, Lockheed-Martin, Michelin, Nissan North American, Philips, Whirlpool, and Winn-Dixie.