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Salvatore Collora, CCIE® No. 4321, is a network consulting engineer for Cisco Systems® Advanced Services who specializes in implementing IP telephony and security in large customer networks. He has deployed many large CallManager-based IP telephony networks and often works in emergency situations to fix improper installation and configuration of CallManager.
Ed Leonhardt, CCIE No. 3264, is a consulting systems engineer and serves as a technical lead in the combined Enterprise/Service Provider IP Telephony Technology Leadership Program at Cisco Systems. He drives new product requirements to the individual product teams and guides overall system engineer development in technologies surrounding IP telephony.
Anne Smith is a technical writer in the CallManager engineering group at Cisco Systems. She has written technical documentation for the Cisco IP Telephony solution since CallManager release 2.0 and was part of the Selsius Systems acquisition in 1998. She is a coauthor of Cisco CallManager Fundamentals and Troubleshooting Cisco IP Telephony from Cisco Press.