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Jeffrey E. Forcier currently works as a systems administrator and backend Web developer at Digital Pulp, Inc., a New York-based interactive agency and Web development company. He has 7 years experience in Web development with PHP and Python, including professional and personal use of the Django framework since its public release in 2005. He holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts.
Paul Bissex has worked as a graphic designer, writer, teacher, babysitter, and software developer. He was an early adopter of Django and is the creator and maintainer of dpaste.com, the Django community pastebin site. From September to June, he can be found at the Hallmark Institute of Photography (hallmark.edu), teaching Web development and using Python and Django to build everything from attendance systems to housing databases to image processing utilities. His writings on technology have appeared in Wired, Salon.com, and the Chicago Tribune. Since 1996, he has served as a conference host for The Well (well.com), which Wired magazine called “the world’s most influential online community,” and currently hosts the Web conference there. He lives in Northampton, Massachusetts, with his wife Kathleen.
Wesley J. Chun is author of Prentice Hall’s bestseller, Core Python Programming (corepython.com), its video training course, Python Fundamentals (LiveLessons DVD), and coauthor of Python Web Development with Django (withdjango.com). In addition to being a senior software architect, he runs CyberWeb (cyberwebconsulting.com), a consulting business specializing in Python software engineering and technical training. He has more than 25 years of programming, teaching, and writing experience, including more than a decade of Python. While at Yahoo!, he helped create Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo! People Search using Python. He holds degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Music from the University of California.