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Dennis C Brewer

Dennis C. Brewer is a technology enthusiast who has been associated with electrical and electronic projects since grade school. His experience includes an FCC commercial radio broadcast engineer license, twelve years in the US Navy as an Interior Communications electrician attaining the rank of Chief Petty Officer and another dozen years as an Army Combat Engineer Officer. He has 12 years of experience in State of Michigan Government as a Novell certified network engineer and information technology specialist that included hands on and administration experience with enterprise level planning, standards implementation, data security, and identity management. His book and magazine writing credits include Build Your Own Free-to-Air (FTA) Satellite TV System (Wiley, 2011), Wiring Your Digital Home For Dummies (Wiley, 2006), Picture Yourself Networking Your Home or Small Office (Course Technology, 2008), Security Controls for Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 IT Compliance: Authorization, Authentication, and Access (Wiley, 2005), and Green My Home!: 10 Steps to Lowering Energy Costs and Reducing Your Carbon Footprint (Kaplan, 2008).