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Microsoft Windows Server

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Security Issues and Solutions Part 3: Security Lockdown Options Continued
Mar 1, 2002
This third in a six-part series on security issues by Robert Williams continues to examine issues and recommendations associated with computer system security lockdown.
What is a Microsoft Cluster?
Mar 1, 2002
Let author and columnist Joseph M. Lamb guide you through the various cluster types, and how you can implement clusters that best serve the needs of your application using Microsoft's Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
ISA Security Concepts - Part I
Feb 22, 2002
This sample chapter focuses on topics such as the ISA Server Security Configuration wizard. This wizard enables you to tighten your security considerably. Read on to explore site and content rules in detail.
Planning a Cluster Server Implementation with Windows 2000
Feb 22, 2002
Let author and columnist Joseph M. Lamb guide you through the history of clustering, and how you can use the Windows 2000 Advanced Server operating system to deploy reliable and scalable clustered systems.
Security Issues and Solutions Part 2 - System Lockdown in Windows 2000
Feb 22, 2002
How do you secure your Windows 2000 system? This second of a six-part series on security issues by Robert Williams examines computer system lockout issues and recommendations.
Sniffer Proof Your Network - Protecting the Active Directory
Feb 22, 2002
Wouldn't it be nice if there was some utility that would sit in the background and automatically negotiate secure, encrypted sessions whenever it was necessary? There is! Roberta Bragg introduces you to IPSec policies in this article.
Security Issues and Solutions – Part 1: Anthrax and Other Terrorist Threats
Feb 15, 2002
This first of a six-part series of articles on security issues by Robert Williams focuses on computer system security issues and solutions, including the threat of anthrax-based terrorism.
Understanding the Internet Information Server Situation
Feb 15, 2002
Let author, columnist, and long-time Windows watcher Ed Tittel explain why IIS’s many security problems signal neither the end of civilization as we know it, nor must they necessarily force too many organizations to jump ship to an alternative Web server.
Anyone But Microsoft
Feb 8, 2002
For a small but growing sector of the PC marketplace, seeking alternatives to Microsoft operating systems and software has become something of a Holy Grail. Columnist and author Ed Tittel will examine some of the options available, including some compromise approaches, as he explains necessary pieces and parts.
SureSync Part 1: Replicating Data with SureSync
Feb 8, 2002
What are the business advantages of SureSync? In this first of a three-part series, Rob Hawthorne shows you how it can fit within your organization.
SureSync Part 2: Installing and Configuring SureSync to Run As a Service
Feb 8, 2002
Do you want SureSync to run as a service? In this second of a three-part series, Rob Hawthorne discusses its installation and configuration.
SureSync Part 3: Setting Up Your First SureSync Relation (Mirroring)
Feb 8, 2002
In this third and final article on SureSync, expert Rob Hawthorne wraps up the discussion by detailing the setup of a Relation.
Windows 2000 Services
Feb 1, 2002
This sample chapter from Windows 2000 Services explains what Windows 2000 Services are, discusses how they work, and provides an overview of the function of each service.
Protecting the SAM with Syskey
Jan 25, 2002
Security expert Roberta Bragg describes the syskey command and shows you how to protect your Windows NT 4.0 system by using it..
Windows 2000 DNS Clients and Servers
Jan 4, 2002
This sample chapter will provide an overview of the different ways you can configure the DNS service in Windows 2000 and the impact that has on the installation.
Exploring Windows XP's Interface
Dec 28, 2001
John Mueller explores Windows XP by looking at the most important tool in the Windows user interface, Windows Explorer, and discussing how to manage and customize the user interface.
Fixing Windows
Dec 21, 2001
When restoring a Windows PC to reliable operation, the key is to do so in the least amount of wasted time. Pete Moulton helps you determine the source of the trouble and take appropriate action to fix Windows in the shortest possible time.
Managing Files in Windows XP Home Edition
Dec 21, 2001
This sample chapter from TechTV: Microsoft Windows XP for Home Users explains Windows XP's new method of file management.
Saving Your Stuff
Nov 1, 2001
A File as Seen from WMI
Oct 26, 2001
In this article, Matthew Lavy gives a simple taste of the world of WMI by showing how you can use it to investigate and manipulate a file in an NTFS filesystem.

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