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Enables students to master object-oriented development using the easiest and most popular language available to them: Visual Basic.
Gives students one highly accessible and reliable resource for learning the entire VB.NET programming language.
Accelerates mastery by giving students a solid foundation for learning each new technique.
Helps students learn today's fastest-growing and most important areas of software development.
Helps students master VB.NET and object-oriented development as rapidly and thoroughly as possible.
Visual Basic is the most popular programming language in existence. At the present time, it is estimated that there are over three million programmers using Visual Basic. It is also the most popular introductory programming language at most colleges and universities. This is going to become even more widespread with Visual Basic .NET. From the outset, this book is designed to teach an individual with no prior programming experience the art of object-oriented programming. The reader is carefully led through a thoughtful sequence of chapters that builds a solid foundation of programming knowledge and skills. Whether the reader is seeking general programming knowledge or specific skills in Web or database programming, this book provides the knowledge to gain those expertise.
Do You Really Understand Parameter Passing In Visual Basic .NET?
You Can TOO Have Control Arrays in Visual Basic .NET!
Thinking About Visual Basic.NET Programs
1. Getting Started with Visual Studio .NET.
Installing Visual Studio .NET. Checking the Visual Basic .NET Installation. Running Your First Program. Ending a Programming Session with Visual Basic .NET. Summary. Review Questions.
A Brief History of Computer Programming. A Program Example Using OOP. Compiling Your First Program. Running a Visual Basic .NET Program. Adding Code to Your Program. Summary. Review Questions.
Why Bother? Algorithms. Five Programming Steps. Sideways Refinement. What Is UML? UML Class Diagrams. Summary. Review Questions.
Visual Basic .NET Data Types. Details About the Visual Basic .NET Data Types. Variables. Behind the Scenes: The Visual Basic .NET Symbol Table. The Inspector Program. Visual Basic .NET Program Errors. A Simple Math Program. Binary Numbers. Summary. Review Questions.
Subroutines. Functions. Summary. Review Questions .
Strings. Working with the String Class in Visual Basic .NET. Other String Methods. Summary. Review Questions.
Organizing Data with Arrays. Changing the Base Index of an Array. Dynamic Arrays. Multidimensional Arrays. Multidimensional Arrays with More Than Two Dimensions. Determining the Size of an Array. Summary. Review Questions.
What Is Scope? Block Scope. Module Scope. Namespaces. Lifetimes. Summary. Review Questions.
Arithmetic Operators. A Sample Program Using the Arithmetic Operators. Shorthand Operators. Operator Precedence. Summary. Exercise. Review Questions.
Relational Operators. Logical Operators. Operator Precedence. Summary. Review Questions.
Simple If Statements. The If-Then-Else Statement. Multiple Decisions Using If. The Select Case Statement. Enumerations: Making Select Case Blocks Easier to Understand. Short-Circuiting Operators. Summary. Review Questions.
Loop Structure. A Simple Program Loop. The For-Next Loop. Using a For-Next Loop to Implement an Algorithm. For Loops and Arrays. Exit For—Getting Out of a For Loop Early. Nested For Loops. Summary. Review Questions.
While End While Loops. The BinaryConversion Program. Do While Loops—Flavor One. Do While Loops—Flavor Two. Until Loops. Terminating Do Loops Early. Sentinels. Summary. Review Questions.
Declaring and Defining Arrays. Sorting an Array. Searching an Array. Other Array Properties and Methods. Arrays as Objects. Sample Program Using an Array Object. Collections. Summary. Review Questions.
Creating Your Own Classes. Adding a Class to a Project. Testing the Code for the CPassword Class. Creating Your Own Class Library. Summary. Review Questions.
Designing a Program Design. Testing the COven Class. The ReadOnly and WriteOnly Properties. Summary. Review Questions.
Base Classes and Derived Classes. The Building Base Class. The Apartment, Commercial, and Home Derived Classes. Define Versus Declare. Testing the Building Class. Virtual Classes. Summary. Review Questions.
What Is Polymorphism? An Example of Inheritance and Polymorphism. Testing Polymorphism. Creating an Interface. Summary. Review Questions.
Types of Errors. Sample Program for Testing the Debugger. Using the Visual Basic .NET Debugger. Unstructured Error Handling. Structured Error Processing. A Program Example Using Exception Handling. Summary. Review Questions.
The Form Control. A Sample Program with Controls. Running the Sample Program. Summary. Review Questions.
The PhoneSSN Control. Handling Events. Summary. Review Questions.
Your Computer Display. The Imageviewer Project. Creating Your Own Graphics Objects. Setting the Font. Using the Yellowline and Redline Features. Testing the Gauge Control. Summary. Review Questions.
Introduction to Data Files. Summary. Review Questions.
What Is a Database? ADO.NET. Using SQL. Using SQL. Summary. Review Questions.
Using Visual Basic .NET Wizards to Interact with a Database. Adding a DataSet Object. Life Without Wizards. Modifying a Database. Summary. Review Questions.
Introduction. Dynamic HTML. Home Mortgage Web Page. Summary. Review Questions.