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6 Hours of Video Instruction
The perfect introduction to time-based analytics
Times Series Analysis for Everyone LiveLessons covers the fundamental tools and techniques for the analysis of time series data. These lessons introduce you to the basic concepts, ideas, and algorithms necessary to develop your own time series applications in a step-by-step, intuitive fashion. The lessons follow a gradual progression, from the more specific to the more abstract, taking you from the very basics to some of the most recent and sophisticated algorithms by leveraging the statsmodels, arch, and Keras state-of-the-art models.
About the Instructor
Bruno Gonçalves is a senior data scientist working at the intersection of Data Science and Finance. He has been programming in Python since 2005. For the past ten years, his work has focused on time series, NLP, computational linguistics applications, and social networks.
Skill Level
Lesson 1: Pandas for Time Series
Learning objectives
1.1 DataFrames and Series
1.2 Subsetting
1.3 Time Series
1.4 DataFrame Manipulations
1.5 Pivot Tables
1.6 Merge and Join
1.7 Demo
Lesson 2: Visualizing Time Series
Learning objectives
2.1 Data Representation
2.2 Gross Domestic Product
2.3 Influenza Mortality
2.4 Sun Activity
2.5 Dow Jones Industrial Average
2.6 Airline Passengers
2.7 Demo
Lesson 3: Stationarity and Trending Behavior
Learning objectives
3.1 Non-stationarity
3.2 Trend
3.3 Demo Number 1
3.4 Seasonality
3.5 Time Series Decomposition
3.6 Demo Number 2
Lesson 4: Transforming Time Series Data
Learning objectives
4.1 Lagged Values
4.2 Differences
4.3 Data Imputation
4.4 Resampling
4.5 Jackknife Estimators
4.6 Bootstrapping
4.7 Demo
Lesson 5: Running Value Measures
Learning objectives
5.1 Windowing
5.2 Running Values
5.3 Bollinger Bands
5.4 Exponential Running Averages
5.5 Forecasting
5.6 Demo
Lesson 6: Fourier Analysis
Learning objectives
6.1 Frequency Domain
6.2 Discrete Fourier Transform
6.3 FFT for Filtering
6.4 Forecasting
6.5 Demo
Lesson 7: Time Series Correlations
Learning objectives
7.1 Pearson Correlation
7.2 Correlation of Two Time Series
7.3 Auto-Correlation
7.4 Partial Auto-Correlation
7.5 Demo
Lesson 8: Random Walks
Learning objectives
8.1 What Is a Random Walk
8.2 White Noise
8.3 Stationary versus Non-Stationary
8.4 Dicky-Fuller Test
8.5 Hurst Exponent
8.6 Demo
Lesson 9: ARIMA Models
Learning objectives
9.1 Moving Average (MA) Models
9.2 Autoregressive (AR) Model
9.3 ARIMA Model
9.4 Fitting ARIMA Models
9.5 Statsmodels for ARIMA Models9.6 Seasonal ARIMA
9.7 Demo
Lesson 10: ARCH Models
Learning objectives
10.1 Heteroscedasticity
10.2 Hertoscedastical Models
10.3 Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroscedastic (ARCH) Model
10.4 Fitting ARCH Models
10.5 Demo
Lesson 11: Machine Learning with Time Series
Learning objectives
11.1 Interpolation
11.2 Types of Machine Learning
11.3 Regression and Classification
11.4 Cross-validation
11.5 Caveats When Working with Time Series
11.6 Demo
Lesson 12: Overview of Deep Learning Approaches
Learning objectives
12.1 Feed Forward Networks (FFN)
12.2 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
12.3 Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
12.4 Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)
12.5 Demo