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Sams Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours is a tutorial designed to help you integrate Linux/UNIX-based systems with Windows-based systems. It has all the information and tools necessary for you to be up and running with Samba in 24 short lessons. Learn how to use Samba to its fullest potential. Topics range from introducing Samba and Samba installation to configuration and problem solving. This book provides complete, step-by step instruction. A tear card featuring Samba's options and share examples is included.
What Is Samba? Why Teach Yourself Samba? Who Should Use This Book? What's Included on the CD-ROM? Conventions Used in This Book.
I. Installation and Initial Configuration.
Hour 1. Introduction to Samba.
What Is Samba? Traditional Solutions. What Platforms Does It Run On? The GNU General Public License (GPL). Summary. Q&A.
Hour 2. Windows Networking.
NetBIOS Overview. Name Service. Session Service. Datagram Service. CIFS Overview. SMB over NBT. Connection-Oriented. Protocol Overview. Windows Networking Models. Peer Networking. Workgroups. Domains. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 3. Obtaining the Latest Source.
Finding Out What Version of Samba You Currently Have. Download Sites and Methods. Compiling Samba. Pre-2.0. 2.0's autoconf Support. What Goes Where When I Type Make Install? Binary Distribution Methods. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 4. Installing and Testing the Configuration.
Which Processes? Configuring the global Section of smb.conf. Setting up the Shared Group Directory. Setting Up a User's Home Directories. Setting Up the Printer. Verifying smb.conf. Starting smbd and nmbd. Starting from inetd. Running as a Daemon. System V Init Scripts. BSD-style Startup Scripts. Command-Line Arguments. Testing the Installation. Other Tools Included with Samba. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
II. Configuring Samba.
Hour 5. The smb.conf File: Telling Samba What to Do.
Layout. Variables. Parameters. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 6. Security Levels and Passwords.
Security Levels and the security Parameter. Usernames and Passwords. Accessibility. Miscellaneous. Final Comments. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 7. File Sharing.
Building an smb.conf File. Setting Up a Share. Accessibility. Permissions. Special File Services. Filename Handling and Mangling. File Locking. Symbolic Links. Handling CD-ROMs. Other Parameters. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 8. Printers.
Samba and Printing. Supported Printing Styles. The printers Share. Printer-Related Parameters. Automatic Printer Driver Installation. Printing from UNIX to Windows. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 9. GUI Administration Tools.
SWAT. Webmin. smbconftool. smb-mode.el. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 10. Server-Side Automation.
What Is Server-Side Automation? preexec and postexec Scripts. %U and %u, %G and %g. %L, %m, and the include Parameters. %d. Summary. Q&A. New Terms. @CHAPTER = Hour 11. Troubleshooting. Documentation. Working the Problem from Both End. People. Network Sniffers. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 12. Case Study: Replacing an NT File and Print Server.
The Existing Network. The Linux Server. The Replacement Process. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
III. Using Samba.
Hour 13. UNIX (smbclient, smbfs, smbwrapper, and Various Utilities).
smbclient. smbfs. smbwrapper. smbprint. smbtar. Other Clients. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 14. Windows 9x and Windows NT.
The Windows Network Redirector. Windows 9x. Windows NT. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 15. Other SMB Clients.
Microsoft Network Client Version 3.0 for MS-DOS. DAVE 2.1 for the Macintosh OS. Q&A. New Terms.
IV. Samba Security.
Hour 16. Password Synchronization.
What's the Problem? Password Synchronization Approaches. Samba-Based Password Synchronization. PAM-Based Password Synchronization. LDAP-Based Approaches. Problems. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 17. SSL.
Using SSL with Samba. Obtaining and Building SSL. Building Samba with SSL. Certificates and All That Jazz. Obtaining Certificates. Configuring Samba to Use SSL. Examples. Summary. Q&A.
V. Advanced Topics.
Hour 18. Resolving NetBIOS Names Without Using Broadcasts.
WINS. Why Is It Needed? WINS and Windows 2000. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 19. Local Subnet Browsing.
Introduction to Browsing. Samba Browsing Parameters. Browsing Examples. Browsing Problems. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 20. Routed Networks and Browsing.
Browsing Across Subnets. Samba Configuration for Browsing Across Subnets. Sample Configurations. Workgroups Across Subnets. Domains Across Subnets. Troubleshooting Remote Browsing. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 21. Windows 9x Domain Control.
Domains Versus Workgroups. Setting Up the Samba Domain Controller. Setting Up a Windows 9x Client. Testing and Troubleshooting. Extra Stuff. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 22. Experimental PDC Support.
What Has Been Implemented and What Has Not. How Do I Get It? How to Configure a Samba PDC for a Windows NT Domain. Adding the Clients. Additional Parameters. Profiles and Policies. Windows 2000. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 23. Tips and Tricks.
Performance Tuning. Multiple Samba Servers on a Single Machine. Backing Up a Remote PC's Hard Disk. Faxing. Samba Across a PPP Link. Simple Domain Logon Script Tricks. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 24. Samba's Future.
Primary Domain Controller Support. Account Databases. NTFS Access Control Lists. True Windows NT Printing. WINS Replication. Distributed File System. Windows 2000. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.