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Sams Teach Yourself BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 in 21 Days covers all the features of WebLogic Server and how they enhance J2EE architecture. The book then covers WebLogic's role in devloping Web pages with Servlets and JavaServer Pages, components with Enterprise JavaBeans, database-driven applications with JDBC, and more. Later chapters include advanced J2EE concepts including messaging, transaction management and debugging. Each lesson is illustrated with real-world examples and finishes with useful questions and exercises to test readers' learning. Includes a CD-ROM with a trial version of WebLogic Platform and a searchable electronic version of the complete book.
BEA WebLogic Server 7.0: Debugging Applications
BEA WebLogic Server 7.0: Working with Servlets
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary, Q&A, Workshop, and Quiz.)
This Book Is for You. How This Book Is Organized. Source Code and Updates. Conventions Used in the Book.
Day 1. Introduction to BEA WebLogic Server 7.0.Evolution of Application Servers. WebLogic Server 7.0. WebLogic Server 7.0 Features. Useful Tools in WebLogic Server 7.0.
Day 2. Understanding J2EE Concepts.Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.3. Java Servlet API. JavaServer Pages (JSPs). Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs). Java Transaction API. Java Message Service (JMS) API. J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA). Enterprise Application Architectures. The Airline Ticket Booking System Example.
Day 3. Working with Servlets.Introduction to Servlets. Core HTTP Servlet API. Sessions. Session Handling: URL Rewriting. Session Handling: Cookies. Session Handling: HttpSession API.
Day 4. Advanced Servlet Techniques.Inter-servlet Communication. Extending the BookShoppingServlet with BookCheckOutServlet. Sample Program: Writing a Servlet Chain for the BookShoppingServlet. Filters. Extending Your BookShoppingServlet with a Simple Logging Filter. Sample Program: Writing Filters for the BookShoppingServlet. Listeners and Events. Sample Program: Writing Listeners for the BookShoppingServlet. Setting WebLogic Server-Specific Parameters. Sample MVC Application: Controller Servlet.
Day 5. Writing JavaServer Pages (JSP).JavaServer Pages and Servlets: A Comparison. Life Cycle of JSPs. Flowchart for Developing JSPs. Directive Tag. declaration Tag. expression Tag. scriptlet Tag. Action Tags. Implicit Variables. Rewriting BookShoppingServlet Using JSPs. Sample Program.
Day 6. Advanced JavaServer Pages Techniques.Flowchart for Developing a Custom Tag Library. Writing a Custom JSP Tag Library. WebLogic's JSP Tag Library. Sample Program: Writing Your Custom Tag Library. Model View Controller Application: View.
Day 7. Using JDBC.Introduction to JDBC. JDBC Concepts. WebLogic's Support for JDBC. Connections. Connection Pools. Configuring Connection Pools in WebLogic Server. MultiPool. DataSources. Performance Tuning Your JDBC WebLogic Applications.
Day 8. Advanced JDBC Database Techniques.Life Cycle of a JDBC Application. Flowchart for Developing JDBC Applications. The Statement Interface. The PreparedStatement Interface. The CallableStatement Interface. The ResultSet Interface. The ResultSetMetadata Interface. SQL3 Data Types. The RowSet Interface. Sample Program. Handling SQL Exceptions. A Small Note on JDO and JDBC 3.0.
Day 9. Writing Enterprise Applications with JNDI.WebLogic's Support for JNDI. Life Cycle of a JNDI Application (Server and Client). Naming-Service Concepts. Directory Service Concepts. The Java Naming and Directory Interface. Sample Program.
Day 10. Stateful Session Beans.WebLogic's Support for Enterprise JavaBeans. Life Cycle of a Stateful Session EJB. Session Bean Concepts. Strategies for Implementing EJBObject or EJBLocalObject Request Delegation. Sample Program-Restaurant.
Day 11. Creating Stateless Session Beans.Life Cycle of a Stateless Session EJB. Stateless Session Bean Concepts. Components of a Stateless Session EJB. Sample Program: Restaurant. Accessing a Session Bean from CORBA and RMI Clients. MVC Application Model Layer: Stateful and Stateless Session Beans.
Day 12. Developing Entity Beans Using Container-Managed Persistence.EJBs and Persistence. WebLogic's Support for Entity Beans. Life Cycle of an Entity EJB. Flowchart for Developing an Entity Bean Using CMP. Entity Bean Concepts. Components of an Entity Bean. Internal Classes and Interfaces of an Entity Bean. Container-Managed Persistence. EJB QL. WebLogic QL (WLQL). Sample Program-Restaurant.
Day 13. Developing Entity Beans Using Bean-Managed Persistence.Bean-Managed Persistence Concepts. Components of an Entity Bean Using BMP. Bean-Managed Persistence and Container-Managed Persistence-A Comparison. Sample Program: Implementing the ItemBean Entity Bean in the Restaurant. Application Using BMP. Java Data Objects-An Alternative to Bean-Managed Persistence. EJB to JSP Integration Tool. MVC Application.
Day 14. Understanding JTA Transactions.Introduction to Transactions. Transaction Life Cycle. ACID Properties. Transaction Architecture. Java Transaction API. Transaction Attributes. Transactions in WebLogic.
Day 15. Using the JMS API.Introduction to Messaging. JMS API. JMS API Architecture. WebLogic Support for JMS. Life Cycle of a JMS Application. Configuring Your Destination in WebLogic Server. Sample Program. Message-Driven Beans.
Day 16. Deploying Applications.Before You Assemble the MVC Application. Assembling Your MVC Application. Deploying the MVC Application. Running Your MVC Application. Important Development Tips. Troubleshooting.
Day 17. Debugging Applications.Introduction to Debugging Techniques. Debugging. Assertion. Tracing. Logging.
Day 18. WebLogic Administration and Security.Administering Your WebLogic Server. WebLogic Security.
Day 19. Using WebLogic Tools.Development Tools. Compiler Tools. Deployment Tools. Administration Tools.
Day 20. Other Tools Supported by WebLogic.jCOM Concepts. Supporting Tools for jCOM. COM to WebLogic Server Communication. WebLogic Server to COM Communication. XML Concepts. XML Parser APIs.
Day 21. J2EE Connector Architecture.Introduction to JCA. JCA Concepts. Resource Adapter (RA). System Contracts. Application Contracts. Deploying a Resource Adapter in WebLogic Server. Configuring JCA Connection in WebLogic Server. Sample Program Using the Common Client Interface.
Bonus Day. At a Glance.Introduction. Web Services Concepts. SOAP. WSDL. UDDI. Web Services in WebLogic. WebLogic Server 7.0 and JAX-RPC. Deploying Web Services in WebLogic Server 7.0. J2EE Web Services Versus .NET.
Appendix A. Answers to the Quiz and Exercise Questions.Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. Day 7. Day 8. Day 9. Day 10. Day 11. Day 12. Day 13. Day 14. Day 15. Day 16. Day 18. Day 20. Day 21. Day 22.
Appendix B. Installing and Customizing WebLogic.Where to Get the WebLogic 7.0 Installable Files. System Requirements. Methods of Installation. Configuring Your Domain Using the Configuration Wizard. WebLogic Constituents and Directory Structure. Steps after Installation. Important Files. Customizing Your Development Environment. Configuring a Virtual Host for Your Application. Setting Up Your HTTP Access Logs. Setting Up Your WebLogic Server to Prevent Overloading with Phony Requests.
Appendix C. Source Code for the MVC Application.Listing for JSPs (Web Components)—CD-765. Listing of Servlet (Controller): AirlineTicketBookingServlet (Web Component)—CD-788. Utility Files (EJB Components)—CD-799. Constants Files (EJB Components)—CD-801. EJBs: Entity Beans (EJB Components)—CD-806. EJBs: Session Beans (EJB Components)—CD-822. Business Objects (EJB Components)—CD-840. Exception Files (EJB Components)—CD-850. Deployment Descriptors—CD-851. Batch Files—CD-864. SQL Script—CD-867.
Index.Corrected and missing files from Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 - 901 kb - fixedcode.zip
The missing case study that spans several chapters (MVC_Application) - 142 kb - MVC_Application.zip