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In just 24 lessons of one hour or less, you will be able to create a fully functional website using Adobe Dreamweaver CS4. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson offers background knowledge along with practical steps to follow, allowing you to learn the essentials of using Dreamweaver from the ground up. Full-color figures and clear step-by-step instructions visually show you how to use Dreamweaver. Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge. Notes, Tips, and Cautions provide related information, advice, and warnings.
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Setting Up a Website in Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
FM i
Introduction 1
PART I: Getting Started with Dreamweaver
HOUR 1: A World Wide Web of Dreamweaver Possibilities 5
HOUR 2: A Tour of Dreamweaver 19
HOUR 3: Setting Up a Website 51
HOUR 4: Dealing with Words: Adding Text and Lists 67
HOUR 5: Adding Links: Hyperlinks, Anchors, and Mailto Links 93
HOUR 6: Formatting Web Pages Using Cascading Style Sheets 111
HOUR 7: Looking Under the Hood: Exploring XHTML 137
PART II: Adding and Managing Images and Multimedia
HOUR 8: Displaying Images 159
HOUR 9: Complementing Dreamweaver with Other Applications 181
HOUR 10: Adding Flash and Other Multimedia to a Web Page 207
HOUR 11: Managing Assets Using the Assets Panel 227
PART III: Web Page Layout
HOUR 12: Displaying Data in Tables 243
HOUR 13: Using CSS for Positioning 259
HOUR 14: Creating CSS for Mobile Devices and Printing 279
HOUR 15: Creating Library Items and Templates 299
PART IV: Dynamic HTML and Ajax: Using AP Divs, Behaviors, and XML
HOUR 16: Adding Navigation: Navigation and Menu Bars 321
HOUR 17: Using Dynamic HTML and AP Divs 335
HOUR 18: Adding Interactivity with Behaviors 347
HOUR 19: Using AJAX Frameworks and Libraries 373
PART V: Collecting User Data Using Forms
HOUR 20: Creating a Form and Collecting Data 399
HOUR 21: Sending and Reacting to Form Data 421
PART VI: Uploading a Project and Managing a Website
HOUR 22: Uploading, Sharing, and Managing Website Projects 439
HOUR 23: Maintaining a Website 459
HOUR 24: Customizing Dreamweaver 473
Index 489