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"A readable and much needed introduction to MDA."
--Dr. Jim Arlow, coauthor of UML and the Unified Process (Addison-Wesley, 2002) and Enterprise Patterns and MDA (Addison-Wesley, 2004)
"This book provides an excellent introduction to the ideas and technologies that will form the foundation of the model-driven architecture over the coming years. I recommend it wholeheartedly."
--Dr. Andy Evans, Managing Director, Xactium Limited, UK
"Excellent job of distilling MDA down to its core concepts."
--Krzysztof Czarnecki, Univeristy of Waterloo, coauthor of Generative Programming (Addison-Wesley, 2000)
As systems have grown more crucial to the operations of organizations worldwide, so too have the costs associated with building and maintaining them. Enter model-driven architecture (MDA), a standard framework from the Object Management Group (OMG) that allows developers to link object models together to build complete systems. MDA prevents design decisions from being intertwined with the application and keeps it independent of its implementation. The result is an application that can be combined with other technologies as well as other applications, and models that become highly reusable assets.
MDA Distilled is an accessible introduction to the MDA standard and its tools and technologies. The book describes the fundamental features of MDA, how they fit together, and how you can use them in your organization today. You will also learn how to define a model-driven process for a project involving multiple platforms, implement that process, and then test the resulting system.
MDA Distilled will help you understand:
Developers and architects can dramatically improve productivity, portability, interoperability, and maintenance with MDA. Find out how with this essential reference, and quickly learn how to harness the significant power of this new framework.
Introduction to Model Driven Architecture
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Chapter related to this title.
List of Figures.
Organization of This Book.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Raising the Level of Abstraction.
Raising the Level of Reuse.
Design-Time Interoperability.
Models as Assets.
Metamodels and Platforms.
Mapping Between Models.
Marking Models.
Building Languages.
Model Elaboration.
Executable Models.
Agile MDA.
Building an MDA Process.
Executing an MDA Process.
Why Model?
Abstraction, Classification, and Generalization.
Subject Matter and Language Abstraction.
Model Projections.
Models and Platforms.
Using Models.
Why Metamodels?
The Four-Layer Architecture.
MOF: A Standard For Metamodeling.
Using Metamodels.
Why Mappings?
An Informal Example.
Mapping Functions.
Query, Views, and Transformations (QVT).
Scenarios for Mappings.
Merging Mappings for Weaving.
Using Mappings.
Why Marks?
Marks and Marking Models.
Applying Marks and Marking Models.
Relating Marks and Model Elements.
Other Marks.
Mark and Marking Model Implementations.
The Theory of Marking Models.
Using Marks.
Why Build a Language?
Who Defines a Language?
WhatÕs In a Language?
Building a Language Using MOF.
Building a Language Using Profiles.
Building Graphical Notations.
Using Languages That YouÕve Built.
Why Elaborate Models?
Managing Manual Changes to Generated Models.
Reversibility of Mappings.
Incorporating Legacy Code.
Using Elaboration.
Why Executable Models?
Executable UML.
The Execution Model.
Translating Models.
Model Compilers.
Using Executable UML.
Why Agile MDA?
Agile Methods.
Models, Models, Models.
Design-Time Interoperability Revisited.
Using Agile MDA.
Why Build an MDA Process?
How to Approach the Problem.
Charting the MDA Process.
Identifying Models.
Identifying the Metamodels and Marking Models.
The Long and the Short of Mapping Chains.
Constraint Propagation and Verification.
Using an MDA Process.
Formalizing Knowledge.
Building Bridges.
An Example Model-Driven Process.
Iterating the Process.
Testing the System.
Executing an MDA Process.
Why Not MDA?
The Importance of Standards.
Building a Tool Chain.
Working with Models-as-Assets.
Beyond UML.
Back from the Future.
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file related to this title.
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file related to this title.
Fig 2-5 should have "Marks for Platform B" shaded.