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Find the right leaders for your nonprofit, help them succeed, and avoid the leadership transition mistakes that destroy many organizations.
For nonprofits leadership transitions are a time of exceptionally high risk. Here, three internationally-respected experts show how to systematically identify, introduce, support, and monitor leaders in ways that enhance rather than undermine their performance. They explain why leadership transitions are so challenging for nonprofits, and show how to replace chaos and crisis with proven, sustainable leadership transition plans.
Writing for all nonprofit board members, leaders, aspiring leaders, and stakeholders, the authors demonstrate how to:
Download the sample pages (includes Introduction and Index)
Introduction 1
Section 1: Leadership and the Challenge of Transition
Chapter 1 What Makes Nonprofit Leadership So Challenging? 29
Chapter 2 Why Transitions Fail 53
Section 2: Fundamentals of Effective Leadership
Chapter 3 Mission, Vision, and Effective Leadership 77
Chapter 4 Leadership and Strategy 95
Chapter 5 Good Governance 109
Chapter 6 Alignment 131
Section 3: Professionalizing the Transition Process
Chapter 7 Creating a Transition Management Plan 151
Chapter 8 Transition Management 175
Chapter 9 Managing the Search Process 191
Chapter 10 Using Interim CEOs During Transition 223
Chapter 11 Introducing the New Leader 235
Section 4: Attending to New Beginnings
Chapter 12 Succession Planning 253
Chapter 13 Leadership Continuity and Long-Term Governance 265
Epilogue 285
Section 5: Tools
Appendix A Notes on Research and Research Methods 289
Appendix B Sample Leadership Transition Plan 291
Appendix C Sample CEO Job Descriptions 303
Appendix D Sample CEO Evaluation Templates 315
Appendix E Sample Board Evaluation Templates 327
References 337
Index 345