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Java for Web with Servlets, JSP and EJB is the one book you need to master Java web programming. It covers all the technologies needed to program web applications in Java using Servlets 2.3, JSP 1.2, EJB 2.0 and client-side programming with JavaScript. These technologies are explained in the context of real-world projects, such as an e-commerce application, a document management program, file upload and programmable file download, and an XML-based online book project.
In addition to excellent content, this book includes licenses to two Java web components from You receive a full license of the Programmable File Download component for commercial and non-commercial deployment. You are also granted to a license to deploy the author's popular File Upload bean for non-commercial use, which has been licensed by the Fortune 500 company Commerce One and purchased by major corporations such as Saudi Business Machine, Ltd. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation.
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Developing E-Commerce Applications
The Servlet Technology.
The Benefits of Servlets. Servlet Application Architecture. How a Servlet Works. The Tomcat Servlet Container. Six Steps to Running Your First Servlet. Summary.
The javax.servlet Package. A Servlet's Life Cycle. Obtaining Configuration Information. Preserving the ServletConfig. The Servlet Context. Sharing Information Among Servlets. Requests and Responses. The GenericServlet Wrapper Class. Creating Thread-Safe Servlets. Summary.
The HttpServlet Class. The HttpServletRequest Interface. HttpServletResponse. Sending an Error Code. Sending Special Characters. Buffering the Response. Populating HTML Elements. Request Dispatching. Summary.
The java.sql Package. Four Steps to Getting to the Database. A Database-Based Login Servlet. The Single Quote Factor. Inserting Data into a Table with RegistrationServlet. Displaying All Records. Search Page. An Online SQL Tool. Should I Keep the Connection Open? Transactions. Connection Pooling. Summary.
What Is Session Management? URL Rewriting. Hidden Fields. Cookies. Session Objects. Knowing Which Technique to Use. Summary.
Listening to Application Events. Listening to HttpSession Events. Summary.
An Overview of the API. A Basic Filter. Mapping a Filter with a URL. A Logging Filter. Filter Configuration. A Filter that Checks User Input. Filtering the Response. Filter Chain. Summary.
What's Wrong with Servlets? Running Your First JSP. How JSP Works. The JSP Servlet Generated Code. The JSP API. The Generated Servlet Revisited. Implicit Objects. Summary.
Directives. Scripting Elements. Standard Action Elements. Comments. Converting into XML Syntax. Summary.
Calling Your Bean from a JSP Page. A Brief Theory of JavaBeans. Making a Bean Available. Accessing Properties Using jsp:getProperty and jsp:setProperty. Setting a Property Value from a Request. JavaBeans Code Initialization. The SQLToolBean Example. Summary.
Writing Your First Custom Tag. The Role of the Deployment Descriptor. The Tag Library Descriptor. The Custom Tag Syntax. The JSP Custom Tag API. The Life Cycle of a Tag Handler. Summary.
Keys to Programmable File Download. Using the File Download Bean. Summary.
The HTTP Request. Client-Side HTML. HTTP Request of an Uploaded File. Uploading a File. FileUpload Bean. Multiple File Upload. Summary.
Imposing Security Constraints. Allowing Multiple Roles. Form-Based Authentication. Digest Authentication. Methods Related to Security. Restricting Certain Methods. Summary.
Caching Data into a Text File. Caching in Memory. Summary.
Application Directory Structure. Deployment Descriptor. Servlet Alias and Mapping. JSP Alias and Mapping. Packaging and Deploying a Web Application. Summary.
Model 1 Architecture. Model 2 Architecture. Summary.
Project Specification. The Database Structure. Page Design. Preparation. Application Design. Building the Project. Summary.
The Table of Contents. Translating XML into the Object Tree. The Project. Pre-Render the Table of Contents. Summary.
The Docman Project. Summary.
Introduction to JavaScript. Adding JavaScript Code to HTML. JavaScript Object Model. Event Handler. Window and String Objects. Summary.
Checking Whether JavaScript Is Enabled. Handling JavaScript-Unaware Browsers. Handling Different Versions of JavaScript. Including a JavaScript File. Checking the Operating System. Checking the Browser Generation. Checking the Browser Type. Checking the Browser Language. Handling Dynamic Variable-Names. Summary.
Anticipating Failed Redirection. Using the Refresh Meta Tag. Using the location Object. Going Back to the Previous Page. Moving Forward. Navigation with a SELECT Element. Summary.
The isEmpty Function. The trim Function. The trimAll Function. The isPositiveInteger Function. The isValidPhoneNumber Function. The isMoney Function. The isUSDate and isOZDate Functions. Converting Date Formats. Data Type Conversion: String to Numeric. Data Type Conversion: Numeric to String. Using the Validation Functions. Summary.
Creating Cookies with a Tag. Creating Cookies with document.cookie. Creating Cookies with the setCookie Function. Reading Cookies on the Browser. Deleting a Cookie on the Browser. Checking If the Browser Can Accept Cookies Using JavaScript. Checking If the Browser Accepts Cookies Without JavaScript. Summary.
The Array Object. Truly Deleting an Array Element. Creating an Object. A Hierarchy of Objects. Summary.
Is Java Enabled? Is the Applet Ready? Resizing an Applet. Calling an Applet's Method. Getting an Applet's Property. Setting an Applet Property. Using Java Classes Directly. Applet-to-JavaScript Communication. Accessing the Document Object Model from an Applet. Invoking JavaScript Functions from an Applet. Evaluating a JavaScript Statement from an Applet. Setting the Applet Parameter. Applet-to-Applet Communication Through JavaScript. Direct Applet-to-Applet Communication. Summary.
What Is an Enterprise JavaBean? Benefits of EJB. EJB Application Architecture. The Six EJB Roles. Types of Enterprise Beans. Writing Your First Enterprise Bean. EJB Explained. Writing Client Applications. Creating a Bean's Instance. Summary.
What Is a Session Bean? Stateful and Stateless Session Beans. Writing a Session Bean. The Tassie Online Bookstore Example. Summary.
What Is an Entity Bean? The Remote Interface. The Home Interface. The Primary Key Class. The Entity Bean. Two Types of Entity Beans. Writing a BMP Entity Bean. Writing a CMP Entity Bean. Summary.
EJB QL Syntax. EJB QL BNF. Summary.
Introduction to Messaging. The JMS API. The JMS API Messaging Domains. The JMS Object Model. Writing JMS Clients. Summary.
What Is a Message-Driven Bean? The Application Programming Interface. Writing a Message-Driven Bean. Summary.
Tomcat Installation. Tomcat Directories. Changing the Port. Constructing a JSP Application.
Interfaces. Classes. Exceptions.
Interfaces. Classes.
Interfaces. Classes.
Interfaces. Classes.
System Requirements. Installing JBoss. Directory Structure. Configuration. Running JBoss. Deployment. JBoss and Tomcat. Summary.
J2EE. Servlet. JSP. Tag Library. Servlet/JSP Containers. JDBC. JNDI. JMS. EJB. J2EE Server.
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