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Which CMMI book is right for you? Sandra Shrum and Mike Phillips describe the differences among CMMI for Acquisition, CMMI for Development, and CMMI for Services. Find out more.
CMMI® for Services (CMMI-SVC) is a comprehensive set of guidelines to help organizations establish and improve processes for delivering services. By adapting and extending proven standards and best practices to reflect the unique challenges faced in service industries, CMMI-SVC offers providers a practical and focused framework for achieving higher levels of service quality, controlling costs, improving schedules, and ensuring user satisfaction. A member of the newest CMMI model, CMMI-SVC Version 1.3, reflects changes to the model made for all constellations, including clarifications of high-maturity practices, alignment of the sixteen core process areas, and improvements in the SCAMPI appraisal method.
The indispensable CMMI® for Services, Second Edition, is both an introduction to the CMMI-SVC model and an authoritative reference for it. The contents include the complete model itself, formatted for quick reference. In addition, the book’s authors have refined the model’s introductory chapters; provided marginal notes to clarify the nature of particular process areas and to show why their practices are valuable; and inserted longer sidebars to explain important concepts. Brief essays by people with experience in different application areas further illustrate how the model works in practice and what benefits it offers.
The book is divided into three parts.
Part One begins by thoroughly explaining CMMI-SVC, its concepts, and its use. The authors provide robust information about service concepts, including a discussion of lifecycles in service environments; outline how to start using CMMI-SVC; explore how to achieve process improvements that last; and offer insights into the relationships among process areas.
Part Two describes generic goals and practices, and then details the complete set of twenty-four CMMI-SVC process areas, including specific goals, specific practices, and examples. The process areas are organized alphabetically by acronym and are tabbed for easy reference.
Part Three contains several useful resources, including CMMI-SVC-related references, acronym definitions, a glossary of terms, and an index.
Whether you are new to CMMI models or are already familiar with one or more of them, this book is an essential resource for service providers interested in learning about or implementing process improvement.
Introduction to CMMI for Services: Guidelines for Superior Service, 2nd Edition
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 1 and Index)
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xix
Part One: About CMMI for Services 1
Chapter 1: Introduction 3
Do You Need CMMI? 3
How Does CMMI Help You to Solve These Problems? 5
How Can CMMI Benefit You? 7
Evolution of CMMI 8
CMMI Framework 10
CMMI for Services 10
Important CMMI-SVC Concepts 11
Chapter 2: Process Area Components 21
Core Process Areas and CMMI Models 21
Required, Expected, and Informative Components 21
Components Associated with Part Two 22
Supporting Informative Components 27
Numbering Scheme 29
Typographical Conventions 29
Chapter 3: How to Start Using CMMI 33
Important Roles in Process Improvement 33
SCAMPI Appraisals 36
CMMI Training 37
An Approach to Getting Started 38
How to Get There 46
Chapter 4: Achieving Process Improvement that Lasts 51
Overview 51
Lasting Improvement 51
Understanding Generic Practices 51
Understanding Capability Levels 52
Using Capability Levels 53
Understanding Maturity Levels 55
Using Maturity Levels 57
Using Capability Levels and Maturity Levels 57
Equivalent Staging 59
Achieving High Maturity 63
Chapter 5: Relationships Among Process Areas 65
Relationships that Drive Service Establishment and Delivery 66
Relationships that Drive Service Management 69
Lifecycles 71
Chapter 6: Essays About CMMI for Services 79
A Changing Landscape 79
Expanding Capabilities across the “Constellations” 86
CMMI for Services, with a Dash of CMMI for Development 89
Enhancing Advanced Use of CMMI-DEV with CMMI-SVC Process Areas for SoS 94
Multiple Paths to Service Maturity 97
Using CMMI-DEV and ISO 20000 Assets in Adopting CMMI-SVC 102
Experience-Based Expectations for CMMI-SVC 111
An IT Services Scenario Applying CMMI for Services: The Story of How HeRus Improved Its IT Services 116
Are Services Agile? 129
What We Can Learn from High-Performing IT Organizations to Stop the Madness in IT Outsourcing 135
Public Education in an Age of Accountability 143
Applying CMMI-SVC for Educational Institutions 148
Plans Are Worthless 159
CMMI Ensures Vehicle Insurance Services 164
Security and CMMI for Services 173
Part Two: Generic Goals and Generic Practices, and the Process Areas 187
Generic Goals and Generic Practices 189
Capacity and Availabili ty Management 261
Causal Analysis and Resolution 281
Configuration Management 291
Decision Analysis and Resolution 305
Incident Resolution and Prevention 315
Integrated Work Management 335
Measurement and Analysis 357
Organizational Process Definition 375
Organizational Process Focus 389
Organizational Performance Management 405
Organizational Process Performance 425
Organizational Training 441
Process and Product Quality Assurance 453
Quantitative Work Management 461
Requirements Management 483
Risk Management 493
Supplier Agreement Management 509
Service Continuity 523
Service Delivery 539
Service System Development 561
Service System Transition 595
Strategic Service Management 609
Work Monitoring and Control 621
Work Planning 633
Part Three: The Appendices 661
Appendix A: References 663
Appendix B: Acronyms 669
Appendix C: CMMI Version 1.3 Project Participants 673
Appendix D: Glossary 681
Book Contributors 715
Index 729