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This book is a Rational Software Corporation-specific book focusing on the development of J2EE applications (version 1.3) within a RUP (Rational Unified Process) environment. As such, the book has a heavy dependency on UML (version 1.4). The authors aim to give the reader a basic understanding of component architectures and associated technologies, and how these component architectures and technologies are applied in the context of systematic development, specifically the Rational Unified Process. The reader will learn a set of proven best practices, guidelines, and standards that apply to systems development. It will reflect the next version of RUP which is scheduled for release during in 2002. This version of RUP will be a considerable departure from the current version.
J2EE: An Introduction to the Rational Unified Process
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Sample Chapter
(NOTE: Chapters 2-9 conclude with a Summary.)
Foreword by Philippe Kruchten.
Foreword by John Croupi.
1. Introduction.
How this Book is Organized.
Enterprise Concerns.
Business Concerns.
Integration Concerns.
Development Concerns.
Multi-Tier Architectures and the J2EE Platform.
J2EE Platform Overview.
J2EE Technology Overview.
Presentation Tier.
Business Tier.
Integration Tier.
J2EE Deployment Configurations.
J2EE Component Technologies.
Application Clients.
Java Servlets.
JavaServer Pages (JSP).
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).
Assembly and Deployment.
J2EE Modules.
Best Practices — The Foundation of RUP.
RUP Key Concepts.
Workflow Details.
RUP as a Process Framework.
What is a RUP Roadmap?
J2EE Developer Roadmap — Scope and Rationale.
J2EE Developer Roadmap — J2EE-Specific Content.
Application Overview.
Problem Statement.
Stakeholders and Users.
Stakeholders, Their Concerns and Responsibilities.
Users, Their Concerns and Responsibilities.
Functional Features and Constraints.
Other Requirements and Properties.
Non-Functional Properties.
User Environment.
Deployment Environment.
Requirements and Iterative Development.
Requirements Overview.
Workflow Detail: Define the System.
Activity: Capture a Common Vocabulary.
Activity: Find Actors and Use Cases.
Activity: Prioritize Use Cases.
Activity: Review the Requirements.
Workflow Detail: Refine the System Definition.
Activity: Detail a Use Case.
Activity: Structure the Use-Case Model.
Activity: Review the Requirements.
Analysis and Iterative Development.
Analysis Overview.
Workflow Detail: Define an Initial Architecture.
Activity: Architectural Analysis.
Activity: Review the Initial Architecture.
Workflow Detail: Analyze Behavior.
Activity: Model the User Experience.
Activity: Review the User Experience.
Activity: Use-Case Analysis.
Activity: Review the Analysis.
Design and Iterative Development.
Design Overview.
Workflow Detail: Refine the Architecture.
Activity: Identify Design Mechanisms.
Activity: Identify Design Elements.
Activity: Incorporate Existing Design Elements.
Activity: Describe Distribution and Concurrency.
Activity: Review the Architecture.
Workflow Detail: Detail the Design.
Activity: Use-Case Design.
Activity: Subsystem Design.
Activity: Component Design.
Activity: Class Design.
Activity: Database Design.
Activity: Review the Design.
Implementation and Iterative Development.
Implementation Overview.
Workflow Detail: Structure the Implementation Model.
Activity: Structure the Implementation Model.
Activity: Review the Implementation.
Workflow Detail: Implement Design Elements.
Activity: Implement Design Elements.
Activity: Perform Unit Tests.
Activity: Review the Implementation.
Business Modeling.
Configuration and Change Management.
Project Management.
Other Considerations.
In Conclusion — A Note from the Authors.
What Is Architecture?
Communicating the Architecture of a System.
The Software Architecture Document.
UML Representation of J2EE Developer.
Roadmap Elements.
Requirements Artifacts.
Analysis Artifacts.
Design Artifacts.
Implementation Artifacts.
Design Relationships.
Design Class Attributes and Operations.
J2EE Developer Roadmap Model Structure Guidelines.
Use-Case Model.
User-Experience Model.
Design Model.
Implementation ModeL.
About This Book
This book is about developing Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications with the Rational Unified Process (RUP) and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). There are a number of books describing the J2EE platform and its associated technologies. There are also books about software development processes and about RUP, in particular. However, we could not find a book that described and exemplified how to use a subset of RUP that contains only the most relevant parts of an otherwise large and comprehensive process, to build J2EE applications. The book bridges this gap between the RUP and J2EE technologies.
A world that combines J2EE, RUP and UML is complex. This world requires a good map if you are to successfully navigate your way through it. This book provides such a map both metaphorically and literally. It is metaphorical because the very objective of the book is to provide a description of a "safe path" through the J2EE application development activities. It is also literal because we define a "J2EE Developer Roadmap," which is a process map, to guide us. We describe the content of the book in more detail in Chapter 1, Introduction.
Who This Book Is ForWhile writing the book we kept three audiences in mind. The first audience is software architects, designers and developers familiar with the J2EE platform and its technologies, wanting to understand how to apply them in the context of a software development process. The second audience is development team members familiar with RUP, looking for help in applying the process to J2EE development. The third audience is software professionals who are neither familiar with J2EE nor with RUP, and are looking for an example of how to use RUP in the development of a J2EE application.
Conventions Used in This BookThe book is roughly divided into two parts. The first part, Chapters 2–5, summarizes the J2EE technologies, introduces RUP and the J2EE Developer Roadmap, and briefly describes our sample application. The rest of the book is what we refer to as the "process chapters" and contains a guided tour through a J2EE application development project.
We structured the process chapters to make them easy to read "at a glance," and to make it easy to refer to specific topics of interest. Each process chapter is organized primarily by activities. We provide diagrams that indicate the overall flow between the activities and the key artifacts that are consumed and produced by the activities. For each activity, we provide an overview table that summarizes the purpose of the activity, its input and output artifacts, and a summary of the steps performed within the activity. Following the table, we then describe the details of each of these steps, using the sample application.
In the process chapters, we use only one simple editing convention: we emphasize all references to process elements such as activities, steps, and artifacts.
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