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Plan and implement a scalable backup/restore architecture that meets IT service level agreements.
Includes general advice, case studies, a practical methodology, and example data center runbooks.
Backup & Restore Practices for Sun Enterprise Servers is a practical guide for IT organizations that are tasked with implementing or revamping a backup/restore architecture. The book includes case studies, a methodology, and example runbooks. It addresses issues such as scalability and performance of the backup/restore architecture, criteria for selecting tools and technologies, and tradeoffs that must be considered. It provides technical guidelines for planning the architecture to meet service levels, as well as general advice and guidance.
Configuring OpenSSH for the Solaris Operating Environment
LAN-Free Backups Using the Sun StorEdge Instant Image 3.0 Software
Network Storage Evaluations Using Reliability Calculations
Reducing the Backup Window With Sun StorEdge Instant Image Software
Securing the Sun Enterprise 10000 System Service Processors
Securing the Sun Fire™15K System Controller
Managing a Solaris Backup and Restore Initiative
Click here for a sample chapter for this book: 013089401X.pdf
1. Managing a Backup and Restore Initiative.
Sun and the Evolving Datacenter Model. Managerial Issues. Backup Tool Selection Criteria. Architectural Issues. Remote and Global Administration. Automation. High Availability. Performance. Ease-of-Use. Ease-of-Customization. Compatibility With Platforms and Protocols. Compatibility With Business Processes and Requirements. Backup Catalog Features. Tape and Library Support. Cost.
Physical and Logical Backups. Fully-Consistent File System Dumps. Full-Time Availability. Database Backup Technology. Online Database Backups. Offline Database Backups. Raw Device Backups. Advances in Backup Technology. Faster Throughput Rates. Greater Capacities. New Approaches to Online Backups With Database Technology. Automated Backup and Recovery Management Procedures. Multiplexing. Compression. Raw Backups With File-Level Restores. True Image Restore. Automatic Multistreaming.
Case Study: A Transition to VERITAS NetBackup. Company Overview. Success, Growth, and Scalability Issues. Choosing the New Backup Tool. Hierarchical Architecture. Heterogeneous OS Support. Tape Library Support. API Available. Support for NAS and Thin Servers. Relationship with the Vendor. Complete Solution. Designing the New Architecture. Choosing the New Tape Libraries. Architecting Service Levels With the Business Units. Integrating Oracle into the Architecture. Scheduling Backup Jobs. Optimizing Recovery Time vs Backup Time. Architecting Tape Storage. Manual Backups vs Automatic Backups. Designing the Master/Slave Hierarchy. Integrating UNIX and NT Servers. VERITAS NetBackup FlashBackup. Multiplexing. Server-Independent Restores. Planning for SAN. Database Backups: They Like It Hot (sometimes). Two Backup Methods. Two Approaches to Backing Up Archive Logs. Database Backup Schedules. Tradeoffs Related to the New Architecture. Benefits Related to the New Architecture. Case Study: A Solstice Backup Implementation. Datacenter Overview. Worldwide Operations. Major Datacenter Applications. LeadGlobe Backup and Restore Architecture. Transition From a Mainframe Environment. Tape Libraries. Backup Servers. Storage Nodes and Private Subnets. SQL-BackTrack Fills Middleware Role. Backup and Restore Processes. Backup Schedules and Tape Rotations. Hot Backups, Cold Backups, and Mirrors. Vaulting Procedures. Multiplexing. Example Backup Architecture. Backup Components. Software. Hardware. Supported Servers. Support Applications. Example Backup Types and Backup Frequencies. Database Backups. Archive Log Backups. SQL-BackTrack Profile Backups. File System Backups. Secondary Backup Mechanisms. Example Backup Schedule. Example of Backup Architecture Map.
Introduction. Capacity Planning. Understanding the Environment. Dataset Size. Total Dataset Size. Size of Changes to the Dataset. Data Type. File Structure. Data Origin. Data Destination. The Data Path. Enterprise Backup Requirements. Expectations. Compression. Metadata Overhead. Recovery Performance. Ease of Use and Training Requirements. Simple Sizing Model. Workload Characteristics. Network Sizing. Channel Sizing. Disk Drive Sizing. Tape Drive Sizing. The Simple Sizing Model. Multiplexing as a Remedy. Network Remedies. Channel Remedies. Disk Remedies. Tape Remedies. Examples. Example 1: Local Attached Tape and Disk Drives. Example 2: Backup and Restore Across a LAN. Example 3: Backup and Restore Across a WAN. Other Considerations. Startup Time. CPU Sizing. Memory Sizing. UFS Direct I/O. Tape Back-Hitching. Tape Changing. Media Errors.
Monitoring and Killing Backup Jobs. NetBackup Reports. Manual Backup and Restore. Interpreting Progress Logs.
Overview of the paresh Approach. The list_tbls Script. The paresh Script.
Executive Summary. Overview. Results. Conclusion. Technology for High Performance Backups. Hardware Configuration. Software Configuration. Delivering High-Speed Database Backups. A Range of Backup Solutions.
Introduction. Planning for Continuity. Business Continuity Planning. Sun and BCP. Sun Enterprise Clusters Solutions. Dynamic System Domains. Sun StorEdgeÒ L700 Tape Library. Sun Data Center Consolidation Program. Continuity Alliances. Glossary.
Backup and Restore Practices for Sun Enterprise Servers focuses on technologies available from Sun Microsystems? Incorporated, and includes detailed information on backup and restore practices using software products and Sun Enterprise servers running the SolarisTM operating environment.
This book takes a multifaceted approach to the topic, and includes case studies developed by interviewing IT staff at companies who run their core operations on Sun EnterpriseTM servers. It also contains a thorough and detailed methodology for planning and implementing a backup and restore architecture. To assist in the standardizing of daily backup and restore operations, appropriate sections of the book provide step-by-step procedures in runbook format.
Who Should Use This BookThis book is intended for IT managers, system administrators, and database administrators involved in planning and implementing a backup and restore architecture in a networked environment using Sun Microsystems technologies.
How This Book Is OrganizedChapter 1 provides a high-level overview of backup and restore issues from the managerial point of view, and includes a detailed description of the issues to be considered when purchasing a backup and restore software tool.
Chapter 2 provides a technical overview of the backup and restore technologies used within modern networked environments.
Chapter 3 presents case studies dealing with issues involved in planning and implementing a backup and restore architecture. These case studies can help broaden your understanding on a wide range of related topics.
Chapter 4 presents a thorough and detailed methodology to use when planning and implementing a backup and restore architecture. This information can be useful when formulating plans or proposals for submission to management, and can serve as a reference guide during the implementation phase.
Chapter 5 provides step-by-step procedures, in runbook format, that can be helpful in environments using Sun StorEdge Enterprise NetBackUpTM. Runbooks can be useful for standardizing and simplifying the day-to-day operations throughout an IT organization.
Chapter 6 describes a script contributed by Qualcomm Inc. that significantly speeds up Oracle database exports on symmetric multi-processing (SMP) machines. This script can enhance your options when performing regularly scheduled parallel exports of large databases that must be continuously available. The approach can deliver important benefits, including faster and less intrusive restores, and is a valuable addition to the standard `best practices' associated with an Oracle backup.
Appendix A describes a benchmark study that demonstrated Tbyte/hr. backup speeds using Sun technologies. The demonstration was performed jointly by Sun Microsystems, VERITAS Software Corp. Oracle Corp. and Storage Technology Corp. (STK).
Appendix B provides a brief overview of Sun technologies that are applicable to business continuity planning and disaster recovery. For more information on these topics, see the Sun BluePrintsTM book Business Continuity Planning with Sun Microsystems Technologies.
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