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"An essential read for any organization using change management. Whether you are new to ClearCase or an experienced user, this book addresses key points that will drive you to a successful ClearCase deployment and usage model."
--Adam Levensohn, manager, ClearCase Technical Support, IBM Rational Software
"Buckley and Pulsipher offer the voice of hard-won experience leavened with significant amounts of humor, which is not exactly what one expects from a book about configuration management (or any computer science book, for that matter). The way I see it, a book that offers advice about 'how to reduce build cycle times for large, multi-site products' in terms of 'eating an elephant, one bite at a time' is definitely worth reading. Thanks to these guys, I'm the proud owner of a brand-new VOB, and after I read the detailed advice herein about how to configure it, it works like a charm!"
--Kendall Scott, author, UML Explained
By using IBM Rational ClearCase, development teams can dramatically improve their productivity and responsiveness throughout the entire software lifecycle. Now, there's an easy-to-use ClearCase deployment guide for every team member: project managers, analysts, developers, and software customers.
Accessible, practical, and full of examples, The Art of ClearCase® Deployment demystifies all facets of deployment--from up-front planning through multisite integration. Authors Christian Buckley and Darren Pulsipher draw on nearly two decades of experience helping leading enterprises implement Rational technologies. They focus on the core issues associated with deployment, closely tying business and technical drivers to specific features and step-by-step implementation techniques.
This book will show you how to:
Regardless of your previous software engineering experience, this book will help you shape and execute your ClearCase rollout to drive maximum business value--tomorrow, and for years to come.
ClearCase Deployment: Modeling Your Configuration Management System
Planning Your ClearCase Deployment
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How This Book Came About.
The Goal of This Book.
Our Writing Style.
Who Should Read This Book.
The Structure of This Book.
About the Authors.
1. The Role of the Change Agent.
Are You a Change Agent?
Secrets of the Trade.
2. The Current Software Dilemma.
Effective Change Through Communication.
The Principles of Change Management.
3. Standards Enforcement Using Configuration Management Tools.
Configuration Management Is Man's Best Friend.
Welcome to the World of Configuration Management.
4. Selling ClearCase into the Rest of Your Organization.
Understanding the Components.
Driving Standards, Improving Quality.
You Know You Need ClearCase When….
Moving from Other Tools.
Impact on Current Projects.
The Management Squeeze.
The Glue That Binds.
5. Mapping the Manufacturing Process.
Sizing Up the Wall: The Manufacturing Process.
Scaling the Wall: UML Implementation Diagrams.
The Wall Comes Tumblin' Down.
6. Ground-Level View of a Product Release.
Analyzing the Product Road Map.
Getting a Ground-Level View.
The Big Picture.
7. Planning Your ClearCase Deployment.
Planning to Plan.
Now You Know…and Knowing Is Half the Battle.
8. Modeling Your Configuration Management System.
Bridging the CM Gaps.
Bridge over Troubled Waters.
Identifying Actors.
Use Cases.
Activity Diagrams.
Component Diagrams.
Deployment Diagrams.
Bridge Building.
9. Using Configuration Management to Control Process.
Ixnay on the Oliticspay.
Process Automation.
Reporting Progress.
10. Planning for the Rational Unified Process.
Orchestrating Your Software Opus.
Overview of RUP.
The Roles of CM in RUP.
The Change Control Manager.
The Process Engineer.
The Project Manager.
The Integrator.
The Configuration Manager.
Practicing Your Scales (Day-to-Day Stuff).
11. Build-and-Release Basics.
Skiing the Back Slopes of Software.
Uniquely Identifying a Build.
A Full Build-and-Release Cycle.
Speeding Up Builds with Grid Strategies.
Skiing the Black Diamonds.
12. Understanding Branching and Labeling.
Living in a World of Labels.
Labeling and Branching Basics.
Naming Schemes.
Things to Remember.
Config Specs.
Now What Do You Do?
13. Deploying ClearCase.
Boxes, Packing Tape, and Some Heavy Lifting: Moving to ClearCase.
Planning the Move.
Hardware Requirements.
Build and Test System Scripts.
Defect/Enhancement System Integrations.
Training Your People.
Changing Your Scripts.
Moving the Data.
Heavy Lifting.
14. ClearCase Integration Analysis.
Cooking Up an Integration.
Analyze Your Ingredients.
Do You Want Sauce on That?
Caveats (Think Really Bad Fruitcake).
Integration Design and Implementation.
Taking the Next Step.
15. ClearCase UCM Integration.
Integrating Ideas, Tools, and Source Code.
Basic Objects in the UCM.
The Workflow of UCM.
Development Activities.
Policy Management.
Things to Watch For.
16. Lone Eagle Management.
The Success of a Lone Eagle.
Development Tools.
Where to Work?
17. Integrating Multi-site Teams in Your Spare Time.
Know Your Actors.
Hey, There Are Phases (Go Figure).
Some Other Stuff.
Development Through Production.
Production and Supplemental.
Lessons Learned.
18. Hot Rods and Hardware.
Understand How ClearCase Works.
Sizing Your Team.
Aspects of Hardware.
Configurations (Remote Storage Strategies).
What Can You Afford? (Price/Performance).
19. The Magical World of VOB Sizing.
Setting Up ClearCase.
Understanding the Server Types.
View Server.
Factors to Determine VOB Boundaries.
Other Hardware Considerations.
20. Constructing Your CM System.
Tree House Construction Theory.
Look Before You Jump.
Roll Up Your Sleeves.
Multi-site to Locations.
Pick an Option.
21. Training and Scripting to Control Process.
Fishing Lessons.
When to Write Scripts.
Types of Training.
Process Training.
Good Fishing Techniques.
22. Trigger-Happy.
Types of Triggers.
Controlling Triggers.
More About Triggers, in General.
More About Triggers, in ClearCase.
Triggers à la Carte.
23. Efficiencies in Your CM System.
Automation + Optimization = Project Optimism.
The Evolution of a Build-and-Release System.
The Proliferation of Collaboration Technologies.
Opportunities for Collaboration.
24. Reducing Build Cycle Times.
Eating an Elephant, One Bite at a Time.
Sizing Your Elephant.
Build Cycle Reduction Solutions.
25. The Drag Coefficient of Test-Cycle Reduction.
Levels of Testing.
Reducing the Drag Coefficient.
Decreasing Testing Time.
26. What to Do When Things Go Wrong.
Playing It Safe.
Administration Problems.
Deployment Problems.
Contacting the Experts.
27. Bringing It All Together.
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