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Get off the scale and get to the bookstore! Absolute Beginner's Guide to a Lite and Healthy Lifestyle is your how-to-guide for a way-of-life makeover. Written by registered dietician Nicole Haywood and endorsed by the National Institute for Fitness and Sport, ABG to a Lite and Healthy Lifestyle ignores fad diets and focuses on helping you make the lifestyle changes necessary for successful weight management. The author won't suggest radical changes, either. Instead, she concentrates on showing you how to make daily modifications to your diet and activities to build the foundation for a greater lifestyle change. Get back to the basics and improve your overall health and fitness and achieve long-lasting results!
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Eating Healthfully: Uncover the Natural Eater
To the Reader.
1. Are You Ready?
Dimensions of Wellness.
Assessing Your Readiness.
Lifestyle Change: Are You Ready?
Your Current Health Status.
Personal Health Record.
Health History.
Medications and Supplements.
Weight History.
Blood and Heart Rate Measurements.
Other Pertinent Information.
The Individual Fitness Assessment.
Cardiorespiratory Fitness.
Muscular Strength.
Muscular Endurance.
Body Composition.
2. The Stages of Change–What to Expect.
Change Is a Process.
Precontemplation: Who, Me? Change? No Way!
Contemplation: Maybe I Should Think About It…
Preparation: I Think I Can, I Think I Can…
Your Safety Net: Build Your Support System.
Key to Success: Keep Records.
Smart Goals.
Action: Just Do It!
Managing Lapses.
Learning from Lapses.
Maintenance: A Habit Is Formed.
Accountability and Perspective (Willis’s Story).
3. Uncover the Natural Eater.
What Is Natural Eating?
Natural Eating Is Not a Diet.
Why Do Diets Fail You?
What Does Work?
What Is a Healthy Weight?
Evaluate Your Current Eating Pattern.
Restrained Eating.
Chaotic Eating.
Emotional Eating.
Natural Eating.
Respond to Hunger and Respect Natural Boundaries: Taming the Beast.
Mindfulness: The Art of Eating.
Know That You Can Eat Again.
Make Eating a Priority.
Create a Positive Eating Atmosphere.
Honor Your Taste Buds.
Check In with Your Body During the Meal.
Understand and Meet Your Other Needs.
Managing Emotional Eating (Gail’s Story).
Natural Eating Starts Now.
4. Balanced Nutrition.
Energy Balance: An Enigmatic Equation.
Macronutrients: Fuel for Working Bodies.
Carbohydrates: Energy for Muscles and Minds.
Protein Power.
The Skinny on Fat.
Micronutrients Keep the Machine Running Smoothly.
Water: The Beverage of Champions.
5. Putting It Together–Real Food for Real People.
What Is a Food Pyramid?
Great Grains and Other Starches.
Vital Vegetables.
Fabulous Fruits.
Marvelous Milk and More than Acceptable Alternatives.
Protein Packs a Punch.
Fats, Oils, Sweets, and “Just for Fun” Foods.
Making the Most of Your Meals.
Lunch or Dinner.
6. The Savvy Shopper.
Decoding the Food Label.
Getting All the Facts–The Nutrition Facts Panel.
Ingredient List–What’s In Your Food?
Health Claims.
Nutrient Content Claims.
Smart Shopping Tips.
Navigating Miles of Aisles.
Produce Department and Juices.
Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Section.
Dairy Case.
Canned Foods.
Frozen Foods.
Condiments, Baking, and Spices.
Dry Staples/Packaged Foods.
7. Healthy Eating on the Go.
The Nature of the Beast.
Fast Food Follies.
Fine Dining Reminder–S.T.O.P.
Slow Down.
Tame Your Appetite.
Order Wisely.
Portion Control.
Nutrition Tips for Travelers.
A Note on Air Travel.
8. Health Is a Family Affair.
Your Role in Feeding a Family.
Provide Good Food.
Make Eating Times Pleasant and Predictable.
Be a Good Role Model.
Become an Active Family!
Reduce Sedentary Time.
Limit Extracurricular Involvement.
Get Moving!
9. In the Kitchen.
Keep Food Safe.
Avoid the Danger Zone.
Keep a Clean Kitchen.
Be a Boy Scout.
Know Your Terms–Cooking Vocabulary.
Flavor Your Foods Well.
Modifying Recipes.
Baker’s Corner.
Substitutes for Everyday Cooking.
10. Fitness for Every Body.
Ditch the Excuses and Make It Work for You.
Make Your Mantra “Move More”.
Injury Prevention and Damage Control.
Warming Up, Cooling Down, and Getting Limber.
Dress for Success–Choosing Shoes and Clothing for Maximum Comfort and Safety.
The Importance of Progression.
Treating Injuries with R.I.C.E.
11. Cardiovascular Training–The Foundation of an Exercise Program.
Cardiovascular Training–What Is It?
Patience and Persistence Pay Off (Nellie’s Story).
F Is for Frequency–How Often Should You Train?
I Is for Intensity–How Hard Should You Train?
Rating of Perceived Exertion.
The Talk Test.
T Is for Time (or Duration)–How Long Should You Train?
T Is for Type of Activity–Which Exercises Are Right for You?
There Are No Excuses at 5:30 in the Morning (Jill’s Story).
12. Strength Training 101.
Why Bother?
Avoid Muscle Loss.
Keep Metabolism Elevated.
Increase Bone Density.
Reduce Body Fat.
Terms, Tips, and Tools of the Trade.
Developing a Strength Training Program.
Standing Calf Raise.
Modified Push-Up.
Bent Over Row.
Lateral Raise.
Tricep Kickback.
Standing Bicep Curl.
Prone Lower Back Extension.
Abdominal Crunch.
Common Myths and Misconceptions.
13. Exercising at Home and on the Road.
Building a “Home Gym”.
A Primer on Home Fitness Equipment.
Maintaining Motivation.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race (Marie’s Story).
Sticking with It.
Fitness on the Go.
Sample Home or Travel Resistance Exercises.
A. Worksheets and Additional Resources.
Blood Lipid Classifications.
Blood Pressure (BP) Classifications (mm/Hg).
Fasting Blood Glucose (mg/dL).
Recommended Reading.
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