Michael Juntao Yuan is cofounder of Ringful, LLC, a company that develops RESTful APIs for telephone voice and mobile messaging solutions. He contributes code to the Seam project and writes about Seam at www.michaelyuan.com/blog. Formerly technical product manager at Red Hat’s JBoss division, Yuan is author of five books on software development.
Jacob Orshalick is an independent consultant and the owner of Focus IT Solutions, LLC. He has developed enterprise software solutions that span the retail, financial, media, and telecommunications industries. He specializes in developing enterprise Java solutions utilizing open source technologies and agile techniques. He is a committer to the Seam project, and you can find Jacob writing about Seam, Web Beans, and related Java EE technologies in his blog, www.solutionsfit.com/blog.
Thomas Heute was a contributor to the pre-JBoss Portal project before being hired by JBoss, Inc., in 2004. He started as a member of the JBoss Portal team but became a JBoss Seam coleader in 2005, with a plan to bring EJB3 closer to JSF (where it really should be). At the end of 2006, Thomas returned to the JBoss Portal team to work on a range of tasks.