JUDAH PHILLIPS (Boston, MA Area), CEO and Founder of SmartCurrent, specializes in helping people create economic value using data, analytics, and research. He works with leading global companies whose executive and management teams are building, adapting, or re-engineering their approach to digital analysis in order to improve efficiencies, increase profitable revenue, reduce cost, and boost profitability. He has spent the past 17 years helping global companies build and manage business and digital analytics teams. Phillips founded and globalized Digital Analytics Thursdays (DAT). He serves or has served on the advisory boards to several companies, including YieldBot, Localytics, Webtrends, AnalyticsWeek, Veer and Experfy, which have raised more then $50M in capital with total valuations of more than $500M. He has spoken at more than 42 worldwide technology and Internet industry events, guest lectures at universities and business schools, and is author of Building a Digital Analytics Organization and Digital Analytics Primer.