Theodore and Donna Kinni have written 11 business books. They are co-authors of 1,001 Ways to Keep Customers Coming Back and Ayn Rand and Business, as well as ghostwriters of books for consultants, speakers, and Fortune 500 companies, including Be Our Guest for the Disney Company. Their books have explored subjects ranging from leadership, marketing and sales, and strategy to customer service, manufacturing, and idea generation. They are the founders of The Business Reader, a business-to-business bookseller based in Williamsburg, VA. Theodore has served as contributing editor at IndustryWeek, Quality Digest, and Workforce Training News. He has written more than 100 published articles on business topics, including cover stories for Across the Board, Training, and Harvard Management Update. He was editor of The Business Reader Review for five years and his business book reviews have appeared in a variety of publications, including Publisher's Weekly. He is a member of The National Book Critics Circle.
About the General Douglas MacArthur Foundation
The General Douglas MacArthur Foundation was established in 1962 to promote the ideals of Duty-Honor-Country and commemorate the achievements and life of General MacArthur. It is a non-profit corporation chartered in the state of Virginia. The Foundation provides financial support for the operations and programs of the MacArthur Memorial and Archives in Norfolk, VA and sponsors programs and awards designed to stimulate leadership effectiveness, personal achievement, and historical scholarship.
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