Dan Balter (MCDST, MCSE), Chief Technology Officer for InfoTechnology Partners, Inc., has co-authored several books, including the best-selling MCSE 70-270 Exam Cram 2.
Philip Wiest (MCDST, MCSE) is a nationally known technical trainer who has presented 2500 Cisco and Microsoft seminars and workshops throughout the world.
Felicia Buckingham (MCDST, MOS Master), an independent contractor who has contributed to several Microsoft Office books, specializes in Microsoft Office training and consulting.
Diana Huggins (MCDST, MCSE) is a veteran IT trainer and has authored several certification books.
Ed Tittel, Series Editor of the Training Guide series and the Exam Cram 2 series, has contributed to more than 100 books on various aspects of computing, including more than 50 titles on various IT certifications. He is also the originator of the Exam Cram series.