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Tony Andrews has more than 23 years’ experience in the development of IBM DB2 relational database applications. Most of this time, he has provided development and consulting services to Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Tony has written literally thousands of queries and programs during his development years, and he has also served as a DB2 database analyst. For the past 10 years, Tony has been splitting his time between consulting engagements and training. His main focus is to teach today’s developers the ways of RDMS application design, development, and SQL programming— always with a special emphasis on improving performance. Tony’s training, consulting, and speaking engagements are through his employer, Themis, Inc., an onsite and virtual instructor-led, hands-on IT training company recognized internationally. It offers more than 400 IT courses and helps to support International DB2 Users Group North America (IDUG NA) and Europe, Middle East, and Africa (IDUG EMEA), along with many DB2 user groups.
Tony is a current IBM champion and regular lecturer at industry conferences and local user groups. You may have seen him present at such events as IDUG NA and EMEA. He is well known for his “Top 25+ Tuning Tips for Developers” presentation.
Tony graduated from Ohio State University with a major in business and a minor in mathematical statistics. He currently resides in Dublin, Ohio.