John H Terpstra is CEO/President with PrimaStasys, Inc. A company that mentors Information Technology companies and facilitates profitable change in practices. John is also CEO of Fabuluss Software, Inc. — an innovative company that is working to popularize next generation desktop productivity enhancements.
He is a member of the formation committee of the Desktop Linux Consortium and a long term member of the Samba-Team (a major Open Source project).
John is a well known contributor and visionary in the open source community with a very active commercial focus. He a member of the Open Source Software Institute Advisory Board. He has worked with the LSB, Li18nux (now OpenI18N.Org), and is a best selling author of "The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide," ISBN: 0131453556. He has other books in production.
John has worked with The SCO Group (previously Caldera Inc.), TurboLinux Inc., in VP level positions. Prior to moving to the USA in 1999, John founded and managed Aquasoft Pty Ltd (Aust.) for 10 years. He as a Graduate Diploma in Marketing (with Credit), UTS Aust. and an Applied Science Certificate in Chemistry, QUT (Aust.).