
The Ten Cardinal Rules of Capacity Planning

Date: May 17, 2002

Article is provided courtesy of Pearson.

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Experienced infrastructure expert Rich Schiesser knows the best and worst techniques to use when planning for the adequate capacity of computer resources. In this article, he describes his 10 cardinal rules for implementing an effective capacity planning process.


A formal capacity planning program is usually one of the last processes that an organization will implement. There are many reasons, but chief is that this strategic process belongs in a highly tactical environment. Infrastructures typically shine at day-to-day problem solving, spur-of-the-moment firefighting, and short-term resolution of issues. It isn't so much that infrastructures are adverse to strategic processes. More likely, they rarely get to strategic activities due to the daily onslaught of tactical matters to address. This article describes 10 cardinal rules for planning for the adequate capacity of computer resources within an infrastructure.

1: Agree on a Common Definition of Capacity Planning

Capacity planning means different things to different people. Agreeing on a common, formal definition of the process is key to designing and implementing an effective capacity planning program. Here's an example of such a definition:

A process to predict the types, quantities, and timing of critical resource capacities that are needed within an infrastructure to meet accurately forecasted workloads.


Be careful to distinguish capacity planning, which is a long-range, strategically oriented process, from capacity management, which tends to be a short-term, tactically oriented activity.

A person's perspective plays a key role in capacity planning. For example, a server operating at 60% capacity may be great news to a performance specialist who is trying to optimally tune response times. But to an IT financial analyst trying to optimize resources from a cost standpoint, this may be disturbing news of unused resources and wasted costs. A formal, common definition of capacity planning can help to explain and bridge these two perspectives.

2: Select a Capacity Planning Process Owner

The second cardinal rule in developing a robust capacity planning process is to select an appropriately qualified individual to serve as the process owner. This person will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining the process and will be empowered to negotiate and delegate with developers and other support groups.

Above all else, this individual must be able to communicate effectively with developers; much of the success and credibility of a capacity plan depends on accurate input and constructive feedback from developers to infrastructure planners. The process owner also needs to be knowledgeable about systems and network software and components, as well as software and hardware configurations. Other recommended characteristics include having the ability to think and act strategically, and a reasonable working knowledge of an organization's critical applications. The relative preference of these traits will obviously vary from shop to shop, depending on the types of applications provided and services offered.

3: Identify Key Resources To Be Measured

Once the process owner is selected, one of his or her first tasks will be to identify the infrastructure resources whose utilizations or performance need to be measured. This determination is made based on current knowledge about which resources are most critical to meeting future capacity needs. In many shops, these resources will revolve around network bandwidth; the number and speed of server processors; or the number, size, or density of disk volumes comprising centralized secondary storage. Following are some other resources often identified for consideration:

4: Measure the Current Utilizations of the Resources

The resources identified in cardinal rule #3 should now be measured as to their utilizations or performance. These measurements provide two key pieces of information:

For example, a critical server may be running at an average of 60% utilization during peak periods on a daily basis. These daily figures can be averaged and plotted on a weekly and monthly basis to enable trending analysis.

Resource utilizations are normally measured using several tools, each of which contributes a different component to the overall utilization matrix. One tool may provide processor and disk channel utilizations, another may supply information on disk space utilization, while still another provides insight into how much of that space is actually being used within databases.

This last tool can be very valuable. Databases are often preallocated by database administrators to a size that they feel will support growth over a reasonable period of time. Knowing how full those databases actually are, and how quickly they're filling up, provides a more accurate picture of disk space utilization. In environments where machines are used as database servers, this information is often known only by the database administrators. In these cases, it's important to establish an open dialogue between capacity planners and database administrators and to obtain access to a tool that provides this crucial information.

5: Compare Current Utilizations to Maximum Capacities

The intent here is to determine how much excess capacity is available for selected components. The utilization or performance of each measured component should be compared to the maximum usable capacity. Note that the maximum usable is almost always less than the maximum possible. The maximum usable server capacity, for example, is usually only 80–90%. Similar limitations apply for network bandwidth and cache storage hit ratios. By extrapolating the utilization trending reports and comparing them to the maximum usable capacity, the process owner should be able to estimate at what point in time a given resource is likely to exhaust its excess capacity. These comparisons should be updated at least monthly—if possible, weekly. As utilizations change, the point in time at which existing capacity will be exceeded should be adjusted similarly.

6: Collect Meaningful Workload Forecasts from Representative Users

This is one of the most critical cardinal rules in the entire capacity planning process, and it's the one over which you have the least control. Developers are usually asked to help users complete IT workload forecasts. As in many instances of this type, the output is only as good as the input. Working with developers and some selected pilot users in designing a simple yet effective worksheet can go a long way toward enforcing this cardinal rule. User workload forecast worksheets should be customized and used as much as possible to meet the unique requirements of your particular environment.

7: Transform Forecasts into Resource Requirements

After the workload forecasts are collected, projected changes need to be transformed into resource requirements. Sophisticated measurement tools or a senior analyst's expertise can help in changing projected transaction loads, for example, into increased capacity of server processors. The worksheets also allow you to project the estimated timeframes during which workload increases will occur. For major application workloads, it's wise to utilize the performance centers that key suppliers of the servers, database software, and enterprise applications offer. These suppliers are normally more than willing to lend their capacity planning expertise to current or prospective clients, but surprisingly few shops take advantage of these low-cost or no-cost services.

8: Map Requirements Onto Existing Utilizations

The projected resource requirements derived from the workload projections of the users in cardinal rule #7 are now mapped onto the charts of excess utilization from cardinal rule #5. This mapping will show the quantity of new capacity that will be needed by each component to meet expected demand. For example, suppose that a company's financial systems use two production servers, each of which is running at 50% utilization. If we presume that maximum usable capacity is 80%, our excess capacity would be 30%. If the projected new resource requirements are for only an additional 25% of capacity, no new upgrades are needed. But if another 50% of capacity is needed, either existing servers must be upgraded or a new server brought in.

9: Predict When the Shop Will Be Out of Capacity

The mapping of the quantity of additional capacity needed to meet projected workload demands will also pinpoint the timeframe during which these upgraded resources will be required. Using the same example as described in cardinal rule #8, suppose that an additional 10% of capacity is needed every quarter for the foreseeable future. By the end of the third quarter, all available excess capacity (30%, in this example) will have been exhausted. At this point, new upgrades or additional servers need to be brought in. This is very advantageous to know in advance, since most upgrades requires months of preplanning to order, configure, and install.

10: Update Forecasts and Utilizations

The process of capacity planning is not a one-shot event but rather an ongoing activity. Its maximum benefit is derived from continually updating the plan and keeping it current. The plan should be updated at least once per year. Shops that use this methodology best update their plans every quarter. (Note that the production acceptance process also uses a form of capacity planning when determining resource requirements for new applications.)

These 10 cardinal rules will go a long way toward formalizing the capacity planning process for an infrastructure, and should help ensure that adequate computer and network resource capacity is always available. This can result in capacity planning becoming one of the first infrastructure processes to be implemented, rather than the last.

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